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郭京申于1997年加盟英特尔公司。Mr. Guo first joined Intel in 1997.

他们约请我加盟他们铜管乐队。They invited me to join their brass band.

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如何获得卡乐咪特许加盟信息?Where get Color-Me franchise opportunity?

与推广的图像和更多的加盟页。Affiliate Page with Promo Images and More.

之后不久,马克斯维尔就加盟巴萨了。And soon after that, Maxwell signed with Barça.

自从加索尔加盟以来,洛杉矶取得了15胜4负的战绩。L. A. is 15-4 since the center joined the team.

2004年回到中国,加盟浩腾媒体。In 2004, Elaine returned to China and joined OMD.

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就我知道的凤仪轩美容美体连锁加盟还不错。Fung Hin as I know, Beauty and Body Franchise bad.

在他加盟勒沃库森时,给安菲尔德留下一个传奇。He leaves for Leverkusen a genuine Anfield legend.

土库曼加盟共和国脱离了苏联。The Republic of Turkmenistan disjointed from USSR.

卢克·艾林加盟了英甲球队耶奥维尔城队。Luke Ayling has joined League One side Yeovil Town.

这笔转会被取消之后,法尔考便加盟了波尔图。The transfer was cancelled and Falcao joined Porto.

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太局新成员院校加盟事宜。A. New theatre schools to join APB as member schools.

今晚我们就会知道迪。纳塔莱是否会加盟尤文图斯。Tonight we'll know if Di Natale is going to Juventus.

马切的加盟让我很高兴,有两个原因。I'm happy that 'Masche' has joined us for two reasons.

如果一切顺利的话,加盟锡耶纳应该是在冬季。If all goes well, should be joined Siena in the winter.

我们的功勋人物老队长丹尼斯-怀斯加盟南安普顿。Our old captain and hero Dennis Wise joins Southampton.

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很久以前,在他加盟曼城之前他就是我注意的对象了。He is someone I had my eye on long before he went there.

我加盟乌迪内斯时只有18岁,他待我就像他的亲儿子。I arrived in Udine aged 18 and he treated me like a son.

同样是16岁雅格布。梅里斯,从谢菲尔德联队加盟。Jacob Mellis, also 16, has signed from Sheffield United.