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我称他们为道貌岸然者。I call them the Respectables.

我们是在学看说地道貌岸然的英语。We re learning to speak perfect English.

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他渴望丢掉那副道貌岸然的伪装。He longed to throw off the mask of respectability.

伦敦到处都是雾,还有——还有道貌岸然的人。London is too full of fogs and---and serious people.

那位教区牧师向会众讲道貌岸然半个小时。The vicar preach to the congregation for half an hour.

库珀反对它那付道貌岸然、自以为是的样子。Cooper objected to its solemnity and self righteousness.

糊涂鬼不知道貌岸然它们在干什么,就问他姐姐。Confused ghosts do not know what they are pious, they asked his sister.

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道貌岸然的罪行通过激发神圣的恐惧来巩固权威。Crime in full glory consolidates authority by the sacred fear it inspires.

道貌岸然的牧师说了一套他认为相当聪明的解释。The sagacious minister offered what he considered a rather clever explanation.

但但其他人则质问西方国家的道貌岸然,以及带给刚果流血的记忆。But others question the west's high moral tone, given its bloody history in Congo.

将来还会邀请梁老汉参加街道貌岸然组织的茶活会,让他结识一些邻近的老朋友。And he would be invited to tea parties in the community to meet new friends living around.

祭师道貌岸然,冷静地指出他的国家重要的未来方向。The sober priest, gazing down from on high, renders direction critical to his state's future.

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最可怕的事莫过于知难而退,临阵脱逃,继而变成一个道貌岸然的伪学者。The most horrible thing is to quit and deserted, culminating in a seemingly sanctimonious pseudo-scholars.

我曾经见过很多道貌岸然的虚伪之徒,我也注意到,平日里,诚实并不需要什么准则。I have seen people behave badly with great morality and I note every day that integrity has no need of rules.

正是道貌岸然的蓄奴主,拿出奴隶生产的利息的十分之一来,给其余的奴隶星期日的自由。It is the pious slave-breeder devoting the proceeds of every tenth slave to buy a Sunday's liberty for the rest.

它会形成一道空洞而道貌岸然的圣洁之墙,隐藏着,同时也保护着隐士致力克服的唯我独尊。It may lead to a dried-up, holier -than-thou sanctity which hides and protects the very egoism he sets out to kill.

唱片工业的负面反应并不出乎大家的预料,不过这多少显得有点道貌岸然。The negative reaction from the music industry on the pirate chart was to be expected, but also a little hypocrital.

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是的,迪克、安吉洛和所有这些道貌岸然的家伙仍逍遥法外,本案并不会让这些人得到应有的惩罚。So yes, Dick and Angelo and all those cool guys are still on the loose, and this case is not going to put any of them where they belong.

对于这一部尤其正确,即使它由Paramount发行并具有摄影棚的一些特征——强迫的感觉——道貌岸然的最终走向。That's true of this one, even though it was released by Paramount and shows some evidence of studio-enforced feel-goodism toward the end.

女人们感觉这样的男人很亲切,很真实,不道貌岸然,便可能产生亲近的愿望。The womans felling so of man very benignity , very true, not severe and solemn demeanor, then possibility creation become intimate with of wishes.