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我推说疲乏就告退了。I pleaded fatigue, and excused myself.

伊丽莎白推说是竞选活动引起的紧张不安。Elizabeth shrugs it off as campaign jitters.

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他推说这条经线没有经过海洋。He replied that lines of longitude don't cross the ocean.

他推说是火车误点了,这话听来不真实。His excuse about the train being late doesn't ring true to me.

林午阳表现镇静,推说自己只是前来道贺。Lin Wu Yang composure, say oneself just to come for congratulations.

王常盈的妻子应声把门打开,推说她的男人不在家。Wang's wife answered the door and announced that her husband was not at borne.

林午阳推说莫莉介意自己与谭小燕处对象,还耽误自己工作之事。Lin Wu Yang replied Molly mind and xiao-yan tan object, also hold up their work.

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我质问他为何当初要叫我来,他却推说他当时并不知道有这样的规定。I asked why she invited me in the first place. She claimed she didn’t know the policy before.

简怡推说事情已经有些眉目了,自己能解决,并且谢谢楚渝的好意。JianYi pleaded that has started to enter the picture, you can solve, thank ChuYu and kindness.

罗杰埃伯特推说,“今天是最后一天,你可以看到'国王的讲话'与F字。" Roger Ebert tweeted, "Today is the last day you can see 'The King's Speech' with the F word.

狡猾地林午阳推说莫莉过来做产检,并叮嘱莫莉要好好休息。Sly do prenatal Lin Wu Yang pleaded that Molly to come over, and told Molly to have a good rest.

张宝胜推说是现场气氛不好,影响功力发挥。Zheng Baosheng complained that the atmosphere there was not suitable for him to perform properly.

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无论老奶奶怎么恳求他,他都推说没有她们买得起的手镯。Even though the old woman pleaded with him, he said he had no bracelet that she could afford to buy.

有些已过不惑之年的父母,申请了QQ号,不敢承认那是自己的愿望,而往往推说是由于子女的怂恿。The importunity of kids is the common apology for QQ parents are afraid to own themselves forward to.

现在有关“自己动手”的刊物多得不计其数,所以谁也不能再推说对某方面的事一无所知了。No one can plead ignorance of subject any longer, for there are countless do-it-yourself publications.

这句话的感觉不翼而飞温柔推说是我们生命还有更多的经验。This feeling that something is missing from our lives is a gentle nudge that there is more to experience.

艾莉打电话问世贤能否给本人买房,世贤推说本人没有实权,没有才能给她买房。Ellie advent can I call hen house, the hen pleaded that oneself do not have power, not to give her a house.

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张占魁推说是因为兵力相差悬殊,他们遇到了一万多人的伏击。Quebec accounted for that virtue is because the force difference, they met with more than ten thousand people in the ambush.

姨母为了这些责备他,他表现得非常温顺,总推说是由于学习、功课、考试、讲座,等等。When his aunt scolded him for it, he was very gentle and alleged his studies, his lectures, the examinations, etc., as a pretext.

马龙把照片拿到谭小燕住处,请求莫莉帮忙辨认,莫莉推说照片模糊无法肯定,这让马龙一时毫无头绪。Molly Malone take photos to xiao-yan tan, request help to identify, Molly say blurring can be included, this let Malone has no clue.