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是先民祭拜的神灵。The ancestors worship of the gods.

马勺原本是先民的一种生活用具。Mashao original inhabitants of a life appliances.

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那么,中国古代的先民们为什么要创造出龙的形象呢?Why ancient Chinese people wanted to create a loong?

那么,中国古代的先民们为什么要创造出龙的形象呢?Why ancient Chinese people wanted to create a dragon?

岭南客家先民首次南迁地在偃师。Lingnan hakka ancient immigrated to the first in some.

部落舞展示了一场五颜六色的半开化先民的奇观。The tribal dance was a spectacle of barbaric splendour.

先民,就让我们来讨论一些淘到网络优惠券的好方法。Let’s discuss some of the best ways to find online coupons.

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彝族先民对宇宙结构的最早认识,能是盖天说吗?。What is the ancient Yis first cognition about the universe structure?

赣南是“客家先民”南迁的第一站。Gannan was the first station in the south for the "Early Hakka Settlers".

世界最古老的印刷术,是中国先民发明的雕版印刷。The oldest printing technology in the world is china's engraving printing.

赣南是客家先民的主要聚集地、中转站和客家民系的主要孕育地。Gannan is the main area for hakka people, where hakka tradition is well kept.

早在人类社会初期,先民就已开始择水草丰茂地带牧羊狩猎。In the early ages of human civilization, our ancestors herded sheep and hunted.

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叉形器的所有者以贾湖先民中具有较高社会地位的男性为主。The owner of these forked instruments were mainly male with high social status.

彝族先民视水为生命之源,万物之母。The Yi people consider water the origin of life and the mother of world creatures.

当时先民们意识到,一旦钱不够了,只需要再印制一些就是了。The pilgrims realized that when they ran out of money, they could just print more.

凤是中国古代先民崇拜的对象,也是皇室身份的象征。Phoenix is a sacred figure worshipped by ancient Chinese and a sign of noble status.

先民告诉我们什么是最好的,但我们必须从现代人身上了解什么才是最合适的。The ancients tells us what is best, but we must learn of the moderns what is fittest.

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火把节的诞生始于彝族先民对火的崇拜。The birth of Torch Festival stems from of the ancient Yi people's worshiping of fire.

华夏先民历来以传说中的“龙”,作为自己的图腾崇拜。" China has always been to the legendary ancestors of the "Dragon" as his totem worship.

正是在这片黄色的原野,我们的先民创造了旱作农业文化,辉煌灿烂。It was on this yellow land that our ancestors cultivated the crucial dry farming culture.