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那些银器呢?And the silver?

她很迷银器。She has a passion for silverware.

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自己家里有银器。He has his own silverware at home.

那六副银器使他烦懑。Those six sets of silver haunted him.

餐台上的银器是弯曲的。When silver is set crooked on tables.

妈妈让我把家里的银器都擦亮。Mother made me scour the family silver.

他擦亮银器直到它闪烁。He polished the silver until it gleamed.

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可用小苏打水擦亮你的银器。Use it with water to polish your silver.

新华村以制作银器而闻名。Xinhua Village is famous for it's silverware.

首先,那些银器难道真是我们的吗?And, in the first place, was that silver ours?

对付银器也是同样的方法。The same technique can be used for silverware.

这是他吃晚饭的时候从银器里偷的吗?Had he stolen it from the silverware at dinner?

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餐桌上银器皿和水晶玻璃器皿闪闪发光。The dining table shone with silver and crystal.

露比,她又拿你爸爸的银器拿去变卖了吧?。Ruby. She tradin' off more of your daddy's silver?

他用一块干净的干布将银器擦亮。He rubbed up the silverware with a clean dry cloth.

我不喜欢以银器备置的昂贵晚餐。I don't CARE for expensive dinners served on silver.

快生火,拿出银器,叫醒瓷碟。Stoke the fire, break out the silver, wake the china.

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狼人只能被银器杀害。一局部准确。Werewolves can be killed only by silver. Partially true.

这个仆人在擦净这个长柄平底锅直到它像银器那样的发亮。The servant scoured the frying opan until it shone like silver.

寡妇为什么就找不到被偷走的那只银器的鼻烟盒子呢?Why can't the widow get back her silver snuffbox that was stole?