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你宁愿偏安一隅,而不愿在战火中驰骋吗?And did you exchange a walk on part in the war

偏安于我们的记忆之侧,偏安于贤哲长袍退色的下摆。Next to our memories, and pale hems of the masters' gown.

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长江防线的巩固,促成了东吴君臣的偏安心理。And the constructing and strengthening of the line also brought about the conservative ideas in Wu.

而它绝不会给数以万计的人提供那些不需动脑,只需偏安一隅,遵循手则的中产阶级职位。What it's not doing is providing millions of brain-dead, corner office, follow-the-manual middle class jobs.

当新闻报导远方闹洪涝饥荒、违法渎职和百姓营养不良时,他们自我安慰可以偏安另一个世界。When news arrived of distant floods and famines, malfeasance and malnutrition, they told themselves that theirs was a world apart.

她蜇伏楼下,掩著隔扇偏安一隅,听见脚步杂沓下楼,阿尧偕伴进来房间翻冰箱找吃喝。Sometimes she'd hear footsteps on the stairs, which meant that Ah Yao and his partner were coming down to look for something to eat or drink.

2007年初以来,货币金融领域发生了很多惊人的变化,国际金融市场危机不断,动荡不已,日益开放的中国经济也不再能够偏安一隅,麻烦不断。Since the early 2007, there is a lot of amazing changes happened in monetary and financial fields, the increasingly open Chinese economy is no longer able to be safe.

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作为百年“日常生活”叙事发展中的个案,汪曾祺偏安于自己地域性的“日常生活”的玩味,赋予“日常生活”一种诗意。As a case of "daily life" narrative in the Hundred years of history, Wang Zengqi pays close attention to pondering of their own regional "daily life" , and give "daily life" a poetic.

由这一点也能看出,埃及总统的野心绝不仅仅是要偏安一隅,永远做任欧洲列强欺负的鱼腩小国。BE canned also see by this, Egyptian president's greed in no case and only wants to is content to one corner and allows the fish Nan that European great powers humiliates small country forever.

直到东晋以后,由于江左偏安的局势与玄、佛思想的熏陶以及江南明秀山水对士人精神的慰藉与刺激,才促使山水游记的全面兴起。It is not until Eastern Jin Dynasty, when scholars lived in a peace political situation, wandering in rivers and mountains, talking about Xuanxue and Buddhism that raised the landscape essay abruptly.