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如何用雷鸟备份你的gmail帐户How to backup your Gmail account using Thunderbird

新雷鸟还拥有一个非常棒的过滤搜索系统。The new Thunderbird also has a very cool filtered search system.

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按计划,其他喷气式雷鸟战机也将紧接着咆哮而起,表演更多的高难特技。Then the rest of the Thunderbird jets were supposed to scream in for more stunts.

妮可马瓦霍夫斯基少校是美国空军雷鸟飞行表演队的第一位女飞行员。Maj. Nicole Malachowski is the first woman pilot on the U. S. Air Force Thunderbirds.

经过一个晚上的事情改变他抢断由一个律师的房子一普里莫1965雷鸟。Things change one night after he steals a primo 1965 Thunderbird from a lawyer's house.

夏天,黑鸭和雷鸟在这片睡莲的世界过着不知所措的日子。All summer, in this world of water-lilies, the coot and moorhen lived a bewildered life.

如果想用雷鸟备份你的gmail帐户你首先需要在gmail中将POP设为可行。To backup your Gmail account using Thunderbird you'll firstly need to enable POP in Gmail.

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和火狐不同的是,雷鸟从未真正地流行开来,其中的部分原因就在于它太过复杂了。Unlike Firefox, Thunderbird never really caught on, partly because it was too complicated.

现在无论何时你想升级“备份”的话,简单地打开雷鸟并让它开始做它的事情。Now whenever you want to update the "backup", simply open Thunderbird and let it do its job.

在编写新邮件时,雷鸟不能被设定为能自动显示“抄送”或“密送”行。Thunderbird can't be set to automatically show a CC or BCC line in a new email you're composing.

福特雷鸟埃兹尔于1958年有352立方英寸的V-8发动机,并在继续使用到1967年。The Ford Thunderbird Edsel in 1958 has 352 cubic inch V-8 engine and continued in use until 1967.

在特贝湖旁边的空地上,躺着一片由刚刚破壳而出雷鸟所留下的破损的蛋壳。The broken shell of a recently-hatched ptarmigan egg rests on the ground near Tebay Lakes, Alaska.

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但是有一年夏天,在雷鸟山顶和山底下的某的地方,小宝宝的一只鞋掉了。But one summer, somewhere between the top of Ptarmigan Mountain and the bottom, Babay lost his shoe.

相同功能的产品有很多并且很多是开源的,如Mozilla雷鸟。The same functionality can be had from myriad products, many open source, such as Mozilla Thunderbird.

狐狸纵身跳起想要抓住雷鸟,但是太晚了,雷鸟急速的扇动翅膀飞向山底下的安全的树林了。With a lep fox gave chase, but a moment too late. Ptarmigan flapped furiously toward safe trees below.

像恐鸟、雷鸟和象鸟这样已经灭绝的鸟类都留下了它们的蛋壳化石。Big extinct birds such as the giant moa,thunderbirds and elephant birds all left eggshells behind them.

如果你已经有了雷鸟,你会在24至48小时之内收到一个自动升级通知。If you already have Thunderbird, you will receive an automated update notification within 24 to 48 hours.

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雷鸟尖叫着、怒吼着、咆哮着,但是它释放的所有闪电都被船桨所吸收。The bird shrieked, ranted and raved, but every bolt of lightning fell on the paddle, sparing the Shamaness.

迄今已知的最大的有羽毛的动物是已经灭绝的斯太顿雷鸟,其体重为500公斤。The largest animal known to hae had feathers is the extinct Stirton's thunder bird, which weighed in at 500 kilograms.

举例来说,雷鸟3的账户创建功能就为你免去了了解服务器名称的麻烦。One example, which is a catch-up feature, is an account set-up wizard that spares you from knowing the names of servers.