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就如同星星之火,顺势燎原。Just like fire, burnin' up the way.

星星之火的点燃从来都是不可预知的。The spark was, as ever, unanticipated.

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起先,那只是闪现在石板路上的灰黄色的星星之火。At first it was but a lurid spark upon the stone pavement.

摩擦产生星星之火,星星之火点燃伟大创意的燎原巨焰。Friction makes sparks and sparks start great creative conflagrations.

而在北方,虽然现房销售已经有了星星之火,但它能否燎原呢?In the North, although Xianfang sales have a spark, it can start a prairie fire?

星星之火一旦燎原,则江河之水难扑灭。A little fire is quickly trodden out, which, being suffered, rivers cannot quench.

自二十世纪八十年代以来,时尚杂志从星星之火发展到燎原之势。The fashion magazines have sprung up from single spark to prairie fire since the 1980"s."

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你知道现在东方的局势十分紧张,并且你似乎正试图将矛盾的星星之火煽动成一场足以燎原的动乱。You know there are tensions in the east between us, and you fan those flames to stir trouble.

从南昌到井冈山、从延安到西柏坡,“星星之火,可以燎原”。From Nanchang to Jinggangshan from Yanan to Xibaipo, "A single spark can start a prairie fire."

随着国际交往的扩大,“双语教学”在高职院校中势必星星之火,可以燎原!With more international exchanges, by-lingual teaching is bound to become the order of the day.

当自身免疫进程开始,就像星星之火,疾病不断进展。Once it starts the autoimmunity going, it is like lighting a fire and over time the disease develops.

都说1“星星之火可以燎原”,因此哪怕是小小的火苗也不容忽视。It is said that "a single spark can start a prairie fire", so even a small fire also nots allow to ignore.

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但是今天我们正看到一个新的尝试,希望能够重新燃起“将因特网连接到起居室”的星星之火。But today we're seeing a new attempt to revive the the goal of bringing the "internet to your living room."

再没有什么比两个灵魂在交换这一星星之火时给予对方的强烈震动更真实的了。Nothing is more real than these great shocks which two souls convey to each other by the exchange of that spark.

他们用的是社会认为最没价值的‘一分钱’。但在巴基斯坦,这些‘星星之火’却可以燎原。They believe that the community did not value the 'penny'. But in Pakistan, the 'spark' they can start a prairie fire.

农地“规模经营”终究是希望田野上的“星星之火”,它不可能形成“燎原”之势。Agricultural Mass Production is only the Little Spark on the hopeful field after all, and is impossible to cause conflagration.

而中国本身也具有无产阶级革命文学的星星之火,鲁迅和茅盾在这个组织里发挥了重要的作用。Besides these external factors, more importantly, there were already sparks of the proletarian revolutionary literature in China.

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奥萨马本拉登活得够长久的了,他有幸亲眼看到了他当年在青少年们心中点燃的星星之火,已经成为了革命的燎原烈火。Osama bin Laden lived long enough to see the revolutions that he had helped ignite among young people burst into towering flames.

星星之火,可以燎原。我们应趁现在全球暖化火种刚开始燃烧时把握时机,合力阻延气候变化加剧。Small changes may snowball into major catastrophes. It is time we tried to put out the single spark which may start a prairie fire.

所以Manteca的车库和后院成为被忽视的星星之火,每个周末都为这些“餐桌经济”的交易提供场所。And so the garages and yards of Manteca, some tinder-dry from neglect, offer a crash course in kitchen-table economics each weekend.