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不会有老师马学生的戏码上演。Scolding from teacher will never happen.

刚退场的恐龙戏码,就比我们精彩有趣得多了。The former scene by dinosaur was more wonderful than human's.

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巴西东北的草原边,日日上演暴烈的牛仔竞技戏码。Northeast of Brazil grassland, a rodeo drama staged every day.

变速箱、引擎、处罚还有失误是那几年的主要戏码。Gearboxes, engines, penalties and mistakes were all to blame over the years.

或许我会厌烦记者们将我围堵在洗手间的戏码。She didn't laugh. Sick of the reporters ambushing me in public toilets, perhaps.

安妮是跟杰夫差别最大的一个,上演的将是“性格差异吸引”的戏码。Annie is the most different from Jeff, playing off the "opposites attract" theme.

每天看四大天王加扁马王大战的戏码!See four major day of opera that the king adds a flat horse king to fight everyday!

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当茨瓦拉将香蕉放在衬衫底下走进这家店时,一齣匪夷所思的戏码于焉展开。The bizarre drama began when Szwalla entered the shop with a banana under his shirt.

斯蒂芬。乔布斯被快速且疯狂地神化,一出“玫瑰唯有死亡”的戏码。The deification of Steve Jobs was swift and amazing, an app that rose only in death.

因为威尔森善厨,所以豪斯偷他的食物的戏码也就一直在上演。The running joke was that House would always steal his food because he's a great cook.

来向公众们宣布抗日英雄赵传奇投靠日军的戏码。Announced to the public anti-japanese hero Zhao Chuanji take refuge in the Japanese drama.

在过去的六个星期里,有大约九起此类攻击,它们通常演同样的戏码。There have been about nine such attacks in the past six weeks, and it's usually the same drill.

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但若我们开放自己,学而习之但也学会放下归零,这些戏码也可以转化为华丽的冒险。Yet, the drama can transform to adventure and beauty where there is openness to both learn and unlearn.

目前国会上演的戏码是2011财政年度支出论战,而这出戏已经演了有六个月之久.The drama currently under way in Congress is over spending in fiscal 2011, which is already 6 months old.

当你身为演员在演一场爱情戏码时,你就是希望有音乐能够有点像是帮助你完成。When you are doing a love scene as an actor, you just wish there is a music to kind of help you get there.

在接下来的50年左右的时间内,那些看起来让人稍感安慰貌似合理的戏码也会逐渐演完。The Constitution will be of little comfort should some plausible scenarios play out within the next 50 years or so.

至今传统布袋戏,仍以武戏、历史演义为主的小说戏码为主流。So far the traditional puppet shows are still military drama, historical fiction novel based drama in the mainstream.

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想要预测中日海军合作的戏码会如何上演,想要知道合作中的赢家是谁,这都是不可能的。It's impossible to predict how greater Chinese-Japanese naval cooperation would play out and who it would most benefit.

对于许多人来说,12名在美国活动的俄罗斯间谍被逮捕的事件不过是一场“冷战再临”的闹剧戏码。For many, the arrest of 12 Russian spies in the United States was a signal that the drama of the Cold War had returned as farce.

随着老陈走过来,人群让开一条道,他熟知这里上演的所有戏码。On cue the crowd parted while Mr. Chen stepped forward invested with the power and understanding of all the nuances at play here.