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工具已尽数交回。All the tools have been handed in.

但是,这并不意味着所有“零同情心”的人就尽数残忍。Not all zero-empathy people are cruel.

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机器人能把孩子们全部巨大潜力尽数释放出来。It’s unlocking all this great potential that the kids have.

他手下的全体中层管理人员也尽数出席了此次宴会。He was joined by all the members of his second-tier management team.

湘南来的工作人员,几乎尽数在军中做党的工作。Almost all the cadres from southern Hunan are doing Party work in the army.

在近年来,白鼻综合征让一个又一个洞穴中的蝙蝠尽数死亡。In recent years, caves full of bats have been dying from white nose syndrome.

浴缸里装满了水,我将身上的衣服尽数脱下,整整齐齐地叠好,放在一张椅子上。As the tub filled, I stripped completely, folded my clothes nice and neat on a chair.

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适逢大财团纷纷涌现,他不厌其烦,尽数此类疯狂兼并和收购的弊端。When conglomerates were the rage, he preached against reckless mergers and acquisitions.

适逢大财团纷纷涌现,他不厌其烦,尽数此类疯狂兼并和收购的弊端。When conglomerates were the rage, he preached against reckless mergers and acquisitions.

当地古代城市的建筑在涨潮时尽数被淹没于水下,查格里亚人则游动其间。Buildings in these ancient cities were entirely submerged at high tide, and Chagrians swam between them.

比尔只用一吸,就能把一小堆可卡因尽数吸进去,希拉里还要吸上两三下。Bill could do the whole little white pile with one snort. Hillary took two or three sniffs to get all of hers.

无论是国际足联、电视转播商还是球迷,都不会有任何的怨念,因为,“最好”的国家尽数进军南非,无一翻船。There will be no complaints from Fifa, TV broadcasters or fans that the best nations qualified for South Africa

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在门厅尽头放一些塑料杯,用软球或卷成团的袜子试一试,将它们尽数击中。Set up plastic cups at the end of a hallway and using a soft ball or rolled up sock try and knock them all over.

向羽、乌云等人及时赶到,双发激烈交火,海盗除一人外尽数被歼。To feather, dark clouds, arrived in time to a fierce exchange, pirates except one person might be fighters outside.

打打保龄球。在门厅尽头放一些塑料杯,用软球或卷成团的袜子试一试,将它们尽数击中。Mini golf. Using a putter, hockey stick or plastic bat try knocking a golf ball into a plastic cup taped to the floor.

但救援计划在美国会众议院遭遇滑铁卢尽数抹去了央行此番努力所激发的所有信心.Still, the failure of the rescue bill in the House removed any confidence inspired by the renewed central bank measures.

那些生产了充斥全球商铺货物的中国工厂将被废弃数日,届时工人们会尽数返回故土的村庄。Deserting for a few days the factories that make the goods that fill the world’s shops, they surge back to their native villages.

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只需短短数周,你就可以尽数拥有这些新奇的称号并用获得的新表情和新动作展现给你的朋友们,绝对有意想不到的惊喜!In a few short weeks you should have a whole host of new titles to impress your friends with and new emotes to amaze the unwashed masses!

正如一直受欢迎的灾难片的票房所表明的,身为同一个种族的我们大家,太清楚我们可能会怎样被尽数消灭。As the continued popularity of disaster movies at the box office demonstrates, we are all too aware how, as a race, we might be wiped out.

但是,与人类不同,连最聪明的动物也不为在一场浩劫中被尽数扫荡这种可能性忧心。But unlike human beings, even the most intelligent animals don't worry about the possibility of being wiped out in a terrible catastrophe.