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烘烤饼干。Bake cookies.

烘烤5分多钟。Bake for 5 more minutes.

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烘烤曲奇的香味。Smell of cookies baking.

把它们放到烘烤盘上。Put them on a baking tray.

我们在一根铁叉上烘烤了猪。We roasted the pig on a spit.

放入烤炉中烘烤20分钟左右。Bake about 20min or until set.

面包是修士们自己烘烤的。The monks bake bread by themselves.

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排上带烘烤纸的烘干板。Line a baking sheet with baking paper.

烘烤大批的苦味黑面包。Bake big batches of bitter brown bread.

烘烤30分钟左右,直到松饼呈金棕色。Bake approx 30 minutes until golden brown.

烘烤后才能食用的肾形的坚果。Kidney-shaped nut edible only when roasted.

我喜欢吃母亲烘烤的饼乾。I like to eat the cookies that Mother bakes.

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经喷涂金油及烘烤后,可通过百格检验。Pass cross test after clear coating process.

无论将我放在烈日烘烤绿地之处。Set me whereas the sun doth parch the green.

这些蛋糕是以二十个为一炉烘烤的。These cakes were baked in batches of twenty.

内附金属架,可烘烤或清蒸食物。Come with metal rack for baking and steaming.

烘烤的时间由你的肉丸的大小决定。It will depend on the size of your meatballs.

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揉搓、烘烤出如意卷系列产品。Roll, twist and bake pretzels series products.

玉米薄饼烘烤的恰到好处。The tortilla chips were right out of the oven.

烘烤约15分钟或轻微烤熟。Bake about 15 minutes or until lightly toasted.