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是女人的善变,还是另有隐情?。Is womens fickle, or the story?

别相信她——她是善变的。Do not trust her ---she is changeable.

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我怕自己善变放荡的情绪不太安定。I'm afraid your fickle dissolute mood is not stable.

公众意见是善变的,易受大风波的影响。Public opinion is volatile and prone to large swings.

女人除了善变,还喜欢口是心非。A woman in addition to the fickle, also like duplicity.

似懊悔着大声拍打海岸上善变的白沙。Beating remorseful and loud the mutable sands of the sea-shore.

一个是不辞辛劳的实用主义者,另一个是机智善变的自由主义者。One is a hard-working pragmatist, the other a mercurial idealist.

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永远没有必要相信那个他,因为他的善变会让你的胸口撕心裂肺。Never believe that he, for his mercurial will let your chest piercing.

每当善变魔神进行攻击或阻挡,在战斗结束时掷一枚硬币。Whenever Fickle Efreet attacks or blocks, flip a coin at end of combat.

永远不要问,善变的世界明天是否依然如故。Never ask me whether the changeable world will still be what it is tomorrow.

善变的人--寻求内心的一种安全感,想适应环境并且不被拒绝、不被批评。The lizard--seeks safety, wants to fit in and not be rejected or criticized.

经过像亚瑟的经验之后,局外人也许会视美国人为善变的。After an experience like Yaser's, outsiders may consider Americans to be fickle.

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每一个表面得体能言善变的人都在影响着我,虽然他们说的不都是对的。Every decent and well-spoken individual affects and sways me more than is right.

和双子座约会的第一步是穿起你的跑鞋,赶紧大步追上这个善变的对象。The first step to keeping up with a Gemini date is to put on your running shoes.

求变善变、用创新解决应对方案。We should solve the corresponding plan in caprice and seeking change innovatively.

人是会变的,守不住一个不变的承诺,守不住一颗善变的心。People are bound to, and restrain a constant commitment to restrain a fickle heart.

变得像水银那样快,他天性善变,因此不可靠。Quick as quicksilver to change, he was mercurial in nature and therefore unreliable.

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霍姆斯对这个善变又死缠烂打的女人保持了警惕,并只同意电话交流。Leery of this unstable, clingy woman, Ms Homes agrees to speak only on the telephone.

都说抵挡不过时间,其实是时间抵挡不过我们的善变。You whine about being beaten by time while it actually can't beat our capriciousness.

人老是变的,守住一个不变德承诺,却守不住一颗善变的心。People are always changing, keep a constant moral commitment, but keep a fickle heart.