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莪迷失勒方向,莪被逼俑叚面目视秂。Lose my way, Im forced to fake.

目视检查所有密封件。Visually inspect all sealing element.

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做清晰地左向盘旋目视进场。Cleared left spiraling visual approach runway 22.

在A類空域中目视飞行是不被允许的。VFR flights are not permitted in class A airspaces.

坐好,稍作前倾。目视演讲者的脸部。Sit up, lean forward, and look at the speaker's face.

目视管理作为使问题'显露化'的道具,有非常大的效果。Visual management so as to ' clear ' props, have very big effect.

当悟空目视月亮之时,他变身成一个8-9英尺高的巨猿。Goku turns into a 8-9 feet tall giant baboon when he looks at the moon.

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润滑空压机联轴器,目视检查干式联轴器。Lubricated air compressor coupling, visual inspection of dry-type coupling.

无论是在现场,还是在办公室,目视管理均大有用武之地。Whether in the field, or in the office, visual management is of great play.

用目视分光光度法测定了染料的上色率和固色率。Degrees of dyeing and fixation were determined by visible spectrophotometry.

目视,尺寸及功能依产品图面检查。Visually, dimensions and functionally inspected per applicable product drawing.

乙酸目视检查的优势在于,女性可以在接受筛查的同时接受治疗。The advantage of VIA is that women can be screened and treated at the same time.

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过冷沸腾汽泡脱离点是用目视方法确定的。The bobble detachment point of subcooled boiling was identified by visual method.

VFR夜间飞行和IFR目视条件下飞行同样也是许可的。VFR night flight and IFR flight under visual conditions are also said to be possible.

飞行员必须依靠常被称为“看到并避开”的目视飞行规则。Pilots must rely on visual flight rules that are often referred to as 'see and avoid.'

只见一大群孩子,目视过去估摸着差不多有一两百个。A large group of children could be seen there, approximately one or two hundred in number.

目前古玉辨伪只是根据目视的经验来鉴别古玉材质。Previously, the professionals appreciated the ancient jades only by their visual experience.

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培训新老员工掌握多种技能,通过口头的,目视的,录像和图片方式。Provide multi-skilled training to operator through verbal, visual, video and pictures method.

它既能提高目视判读精度,又可为计算机成图提供数据。It in creases the interpretation accuracy and provides data for computer-assisted cartography.

在身体语言中,保持双眼目视前方可能是展示自信的最棘手方式了。Keeping your eyes level might be one of the trickiest ways to show confidence in body language.