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只要你给他留下活路,他总会死灰复燃。If you leave a path to it, he'll find it.

所有这一切都导致了宗教信仰的死灰复燃。All of this has led to a resurgence of religiosity.

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强迫加班的古老恶俗又死灰复燃。old allegations of forced overtime burbled back to life.

近来,封建迷信活动又死灰复燃了。Superstitious activities have come to life again recently.

但现如今,封建首领列克·杜加季纳的法律再一次死灰复燃了。Now, the laws of the feudal leader Lek Dugajine hold sway again.

这种部落主义的死灰复燃对外交政策界意味着什么?What does this resurgence of tribalism mean to the foreign policy community?

这种国家主义诡辩在2007年的金融危机中死灰复燃。This nationalist-minded rhetoric has returned in the financial crisis of 2007.

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到19世纪,美国加尔文教的反天主教情绪又死灰复燃。The anti-Catholicism of America’s Calvinist past found new voice in the 19th century.

在过去二十年里,这一趋势成为性传播感染在中国死灰复燃的一个主要因素。This trend over the past two decades is a major factor in the resurgence of STIs in China.

同时,空中巡逻的任务还将继续开展,以确保暴力冲突不会死灰复燃。Meanwhile, the air patrol mission will continue to ensure that violence will not be revived.

沉寂多年的青少年嗅吸强力胶现象死灰复燃。Glue- sniffing among Singapore's youth is making a worrying comeback after many years in decline.

尤其是,在政府卫生支出下降后,旧的健康问题又死灰复燃或变得更加醒目。Old health problems resurged or became more apparent, especially when government health spending dropped.

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由于疗程过短,导致致病菌死灰复燃而引起复发。Because period of treatment is too short, bring about pathogenic bacteria resurgence and cause recrudesce.

资本及其意识形态死灰复燃、四处反攻、收复失地、势不可当。The capital and its ideology four counter-offensive to recover lost ground, the way a victory, irresistible.

这一疾病死灰复燃后,贫困状态和社会弱势地位助长和加剧了疾病,令其变得更为顽固。A disease that resurged with a vengeance is now being stubbornly maintained by poverty and social disadvantage.

如今,我们看到死灰复燃四门掀背车宽,由德国顶级品牌。Today, though, we're seeing a resurgence of four-doors with wide hatchbacks , led by the German premium brands.

一旦有任何的剧烈冲突,例如美国受到恐怖主义袭击或是“流氓国家”的挑衅,布什主义马上会死灰复燃。A dramatic incident such as a terrorist attack or a provocation from a rogue state might well bring it back to life.

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中日海军因富含天然气的东海岛屿的争端而发生了冲突,令长达一个世纪的二战旧恨又死灰复燃。A naval clash over disputed, gas-rich islands in the East China Sea has revived century-old World War II grievances.

核军备竞赛死灰复燃是全世界用以纪念冷战结束20周年的各种方式中,最不应该发生的事情。A revived nuclear arms race is the lastthing the world needs to mark the 20th anniversary of the end of the Cold War.

然而,随着这一类蚊虫在该地区再次出现,城市型黄热病有可能死灰复燃。However, this mosquito species has re-colonized urban areas in the region and poses a renewed risk of urban yellow fever.