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提出了一种三自由度模型姿态调整机构。A three degree-of-freedom attitude adjustment mechanism is proposed.

介绍了一种新型三自由度移动可约并联机构。A novel 3-DOF reducible translational parallel mechanism is presented.

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第二,“三自性”及其与五法之关系。Second, the three forms and their relationships with the five dharmas.

最后,根据经文说明三自性与五法之间的具体关系。Finally, to state the specific relationship between it and the five dharmas.

然而,处于中国政府的三自教会之外的基督徒更是人数众多。Besides, there are more Christians who are not registered in three-self Church.

作为一个简单的例子,我们先研究了三自旋模型的热纠缠的熵的行为。As a simple example, we study the partial entropy of entanglement of three qubits system.

有四分之三自我意识强的人甚至尝试完全不照相。And three-quarters are self-conscious enough to try to avoid appearing in snaps altogether.

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让我们为北京的众教会,包括公开的三自教会和家庭教会的复兴祷告。同时记念这里好几间神学院。Let us pray again for the revival of every church and several seminaries here in the capital.

考虑了一类具有对称刚性约束的三自由度碰撞振动系统。A three-degree-of-freedom vibro-impact system with symmetric constraining stops is considered.

为此,设计了一种三自由度越障机构,安装在一台单吸盘轮式移动机器人上。A novel obstacle striding mechanism was designed and fixed on a single suction cup wheeled robot.

多年来只有在三自教会可以买到中文圣经的事实就快成为历史了。Chinese Bible have been available mostly in the Three-self churches, but that is about to change.

本文首先建立系统的三自由度非线性、强耦合的动态数学模型。The three-freedom nonlinear strong coupling dynamic math model of the system is established in this paper.

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最后,用该法对三自由度平面机器人操作手进行了仿真计算。The simulation result of a 3 degree of freedom planar robot manipulator shows that the method is efficient.

为获得平台姿态的指令信号,论文进行了船舶横摇、纵摇、升沉三自由度运动仿真。To obtain the command signal of platform attitudes, the article simulate ship's roll, pitch, jaw rotations.

这一时期基督教“三自运动”开始展开,教案时有发生。In the stage, the "three-self" movement began to emerge, while the missionary cases happened from time to time.

主要表现在三自教会、教徒及其婚丧习俗等方面的本土化。Localization of the Three-Self Church shows itself mainly in self-government, self-support and self-propagation.

提出了基于旋量理论计算正交三自由度球面机构位置正、反解的方法。The method for analyzing the forward and inverse position of the orthogonal 3-DOF parallel mechanism is proposed.

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为什么他们选择了家庭教会而非官方认可的“三自”教会?Why have they chosen house churches instead of the Three Self Church, which is the government-approved Christian body?

第三,三自教会与民间教会的关系较差。第四,教会面临的最大挑战是人才缺乏和政府限制。Fourth, that the two major challenges faced by all the churches are government restriction and lack of educated leaders.

建立了平板振动夯—路基的三自由度数学模型,利用机械阻抗法和复模态技术进行了分析。Secondly, the mathematics modal with three degrees of freedom for plate vibratory compactor vs. soil base is established.