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可以望到远处无际的天空。Endless sky comes into my eye.

心,是一汪无际的海洋。Heart, a Wang sight of the sea.

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茫的大海横无际涯,很是壮观。The vast sea is limitless, it's really magnificent.

书籍是划行在宽阔无际的大海里的船只。Books are ships which pass through the vast seas of time.

倾听这无际的黑夜,没有她在身旁夜更深广。To hear the immense night, even more immense without her.

望无际的非洲平原,阳光灿烂,树木青葱,动物们幸福地生活着。The sun is bright, the trees are green and the animals live happily.

这座大城漫漫无际,时光日复一日、周复一周在流逝。In this great city that has no end, the days go by and weeks rush on.

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我梦见那广袤的沙漠、茂密的森林,还有那无际的荒野。I dream of our vast deserts, of our forests, of all our great wildernesses.

银河系虽然浩瀚,但在茫茫无际的宇宙中仅是一个小岛而已。The galaxy, vast as it is , is only a small island in the endless universe.

我梦见那广袤的沙漠、茂密的森林,还有那无际的荒野。I dream of our vast deserts, of our forests, of all our great wildernesses 4.

飞机可以毫无困难地飞过这片茫茫无际的白色原野!The aircraft was able to fly over the endless white plains without difficulty.

哈哈,太滑稽啦。向不买这繁琐无际之谈的中国二鞠躬致敬。Haha, too funny. Double kudos for China for not buying this cockamamie nonsense.

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显然,在这样浩瀚无际的海洋中,我们的一切努力可能转眼成空。It was clear that in this wide expanse ocean all our efforts might soon be vain.

盛世流年抹去伊人棱角分明,繁华过后徒留沉默无际无边。Time fleeting erase Mai angular, flourishing after leaving silence no border. MS.

黄山云流动在千峰万壑之间,形成涛涛云海,浩瀚无际。Clouds on this mountain swirl around peaks and valleys, forming a "sea of clouds".

继续漂泊,继续流浪吧,心是一汪无际的海洋。To continue to drift to continue to bar street, the heart is a boundless ocean Wang.

曲谱散发嘹亮的歌声,让其白云消散而只剩下一展无际的蓝天。For sporadic singing loud and clear, let the clouds dissipate and the only one the sky.

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网海茫茫无际哪里有你踪迹,黑白的头像伤心的等你。Net boundless sea where have you traces of black and white picture sad waiting for you.

旅程把我们带到了一片茫茫无际的绿色草原上。An hour's journey brought us to a green grassland, which ran down to the distant horizon.

众所周知,是两同床共梦,祝们河无边,福海无际。It's known that love is a dream shared by two. Wishing you a world of happiness and love.