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球反弹越过了网。The ball bounced over the net.

如果你把它往下抛,它会反弹。If you drop it,it will bounce back.

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大陆天兵掷弹反弹险死!Throwing hand grenades. Rebound own.

见到九柱游戏用的小柱能反弹多远?。Seeing how far the skittle can bounce?

球打在墙上又反弹回来。The ball hit the wall and bounced off.

这刺激了能源反弹效应。This sparks the energy rebound effect.

抛投后拇指按键器无法反弹回原位。Thumb bar does not return after casts.

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经济反弹的机会是有限的。The chances of a bounce-back are limited.

与此同时,房价也出现了反弹。And with that, home prices have rebounded.

以及如果反弹是真实的,那么它会持续吗?And, if the rebound is real, will it last?

现在问题被反弹回来。But now the problems are ricocheting back.

球在他接住之前反弹回一次。The ball bounced once before he caught it.

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世界股票,欧元遭受重创后开始反弹World Stocks, Euro Rebound After Battering

过度使用可能会导致反弹鼻塞。Over-use can cause rebound nasal congestion.

第二天,股票市场有轻微反弹。The next day, the market rebounded slightly.

一些投射物可以被格挡或反弹。Some projectiles can be blocked or reflected.

黄金日线指标反弹至34区域。Gold daily indicator rebounded to 34 regional.

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这样一个市场运动实为熊市反弹。Such market movements are bear-market bounces.

也许只有在经济复苏的最后高端需求才会反弹。High-end spending could be the last to rebound.

没有阻尼,将会让粒子最大反弹。No damping , particles will have maximum bounce.