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这一切却堂而皇之都是以国家的名义。This is all nobly in the name of the country.

这句话的意思是要给罗伯特•奥德利先生一个堂而皇之的谴责。This was intended as a stately reproof to Mr. Robert Audley.

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迈克一伙人,穿着警察制服,堂而皇之地加入到了慈善活动现场中。The crew, dressed in police uniforms, enters the charity event.

便开始堂而皇之的大谈成功之道,人生之道等等。The stately began to talk about success of the road, the road of life.

伊朗与阿富汗共享一段很长的边界,毒品可以通过边界堂而皇之地外流。Iran shares a long border with Afghanistan through which drugs readily flow.

他们的全军大撤退被堂而皇之地描绘为一次伟大的胜利。The evacuation of all their forces was glowingly represented as a triumphant success.

这些堂而皇之见诸大众传媒的言论,实在是对民意的亵渎。Imposing these remarks reflected the media, public opinion is against the desecration.

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但是这类债券销售使它们堂而皇之地绕过了禁令。But this kind of bond offering gives them an officially sanctioned way around the prohibition.

所有的亡灵玩家还堂而皇之的被冠上一个被遗忘者的美名。The souls of all the players will also have glamorous moniker a reputation as a forgotten person.

詹的表一配上这鍊子,在任何场合,他可以堂而皇之的看他的时间了。With that chain on his watch, Jim could look at his watch and learn the time anywhere he might be.

而一旦被冠以文化之后,盗版之风、侵权之风就更加堂而皇之。Once but by crown after culture, pirates the wind, the right infringement wind of is more splendid.

当我敲你们家门你不答应时,我就会从门口进去了。偶尔,我会中头彩而直接堂而皇之地进去。If you don't answer when I knock, I try the door. Occasionally, I hit the jackpot and walk right in.

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我相信,维基就是一种广泛的、堂而皇之的、更为深入的搜索方式,就像所有的百科全书那样。I believe wikis are, by and large, a decent starting point for further research, like any encyclopedia.

7月份,在外籍人士的强烈抗议中,中国政府撤销了该计划中最堂而皇之的歧视条款。In July, after an outcry from foreigners, it revoked some of the plan’s most blatantly discriminatory provisions.

没有人质疑对中间性者所迅即实施的“标准化手术”,却有人堂而皇之地认为手术终究“体现了孩子的最大利益”。There was no doubt that a prompt "normalization" of an intersexual body was always "in the best interest of the child".

奥特加始终搞不明白,鸡头这种东西到底是怎么逃得过检疫,还能堂而皇之地到消费者手中。Ortega said she wants to know how the chicken's head could have made it past inspectors and into the hands of a customer.

仿真产品则不一样,它是披着合法的外衣堂而皇之地蒙蔽消费者。Emulation product is different, it is to wrapping around lawful appearance hall and the ground becloud consumer of emperor.

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还没等我介绍完,他就跟她握起手来了。我发现他也没有穿银行家那种堂而皇之的礼服。He was shaking her hand before I could finish the introduction. I noted that he was not wearing any of his Banker Costumes.

在这里,美梦从幻想的角落里堂而皇之地走了出来,变成了现实。He was in that rare and blissful state wherein a man sees his dreams stalk out from the crannies of fantasy and become fact.

异端诗歌,毕竟与堂而皇之者们形成了煞有介事的分庭抗礼,从而以对等的身份羞辱地捉弄了权威者的地位。Deviated poems after all have formed contradiction with the glory, making game of the authority with an identity of equality.