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锣鼓听声,听话听音。Hark ! I can hear their voices.

锣鼓听声,听话听音。He listened but could not hear.

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锣鼓敲打得很热闹。Drums and gongs were beating boisterously.

用锣鼓,扩音器和录音机帮忙。Use drums and gongs , megaphones and recorders to help.

玉兔闹春,锣鼓齐鸣,九州欢腾,又一个春天到了!Moon make spring, drum uproarious, kyushu exult, and a spring!

表演时锣鼓烘托,插科打诨,喧呼成戏。Percussion performances contrast, gag, noise called into play.

这些又称秧田歌、田山歌、插田歌、蓐秧鼓、蓐草锣鼓等。These songs are also called field-planting or weeding drum songs.

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人声嘈杂,锣鼓不停地大响特响。People shouted, while the drums and . cymbals crashed incessantly.

日营幼童军练习演奏中式钹及锣鼓。Day camp Cub Scouts practiced to play the Chinese cymbals and drum.

⊙、锣鼓共鸣,百花齐放养兵千日,用在一时。The sound resonance, find all flowers in one thousand, in a moment.

锣鼓不住地响着,龙灯开始舞动了。To the pounding beat of the drums and cymbals, the dragon began to dance.

不过,格罗斯说,锣鼓帐篷当时引起争议,包括其他参展方。But Groce said that the drum tent had been a touchy area even for other exhibitors.

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威风锣鼓的曲牌,既独立成章,又联缀成套。Power and prestige of the Qupai gongs, Chengzhang both independent and combination sets.

潮州大锣鼓曾获得世界青年联欢节金奖。The Chaozhou Drum Performance was awarded the Gold Prize in the World Youth Union Party.

太原锣鼓是流行在太原和晋中一带的一种锣鼓音乐。Taiyuan is popular in Taiyuan, gongs and drums and gongs Jinzhong in the vicinity of a musical.

太原锣鼓是广泛流传于山西太原地区的民间锣鼓音乐。Taiyuan Gong and drum, one type of folk drum music, spread wildly in Taiyuan of Shanxi province.

杀庙街,锣鼓家伙的响声,大众的喝彩声,鞭炮声交错在一同。Kill temple street, drum guy and the sound of a public cheering, firecrackers crisscross together.

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这个时候,你最需要的就是找回锣鼓点,那个藏在你心中的锣鼓点!This time, you need to find gongs point is that the possession of the gongs and drums in your heart points!

俗可以是民间的欢庆锣鼓,雅可以进入庙堂祭祀和宫廷宴集。Can be custom to celebrate the civil gongs and drums, Blair can enter temples and religious court set feast.

喇叭芯、锣鼓皮、和吉他弦的震动,都是震动产生了声音的绝好例子。The motions of a loudspeaker cone, drumhead and guitar string are good examples of vibration that cause sound.