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他的勤奋不过是装样子罢了。His diligence is a mere pose.

是该停止装样子的时候了!The time has come to'stop pretending !

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我以为他真的受了伤,而他只是在装样子。I think he is really hurt but he is fake.

但是,这些卫兵绝不仅仅是装装样子而已。The guards are not just for show, however.

但是,这些卫兵绝不仅仅是装装样子而已。The guards are not just for show , however.

我以为他真的受了伤,而他只是在装样子。I thought he was really hurt but he was faking.

他并不真的那么好-他只是装装样子罢了。He's not really that good-he's only giving himself airs.

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她愉快地笑了,但是我知道那不过是装样子。She smiled cheerfully, but I knew she was only acting a part.

这个选手看来沉着自信,其实是在装样子。The player appeared calm and confident but it was just an act.

约翰似乎可能是对自己很有信心,不过他真的只是在装样子骗人。John may seem sure of himself, but he's just playing a part really.

真理就是女神,他要竭尽所能得到她,而不只是装装样子而已。Truth is his goddess, and he takes pains to get her, not to look like her.

客人并不喜欢这种饭菜,他们只是装样子吃一点。The guests didn't like the food, but they made a pretence of eating some of it.

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我只能装样子,比如,在拉斯维加斯赢了钱之后,我就做出欢欣鼓舞的样子。I have to pretend to show emotions, such as triumph when I beat the house in Las Vegas.

凡真理都不装样子吓人,它只是老老实实地说下去和做下去。Truth does not strike a pose to overawe people but talks and acts honestly and sincerely.

第一次,或者至少是第一次,这个梦不再是噩梦了。原来装样子也可以作医生。For the first time, this dream is not a nightmare anymore. So you can pretend to be a doctor.

经理在别的领导面前显得很有自信,不过那只是装装样子罢了。The manager seemed full of confidence to the other executives, but that was just show business.

这样的赌注小,不需要装样子,更可能展现出自我。The stakes are so low there is no need for game-playing and you are more likely to be yourself.

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迪卡普里奥和鲁弗罗都在装样子,不过,迪卡普里奥似乎对伪装更为看重。DiCaprio and Ruffalo both affect this look, but DiCaprio makes it seem more like a hopeful disguise.

不高兴时,他就不读,捧着书本坐在那里装样子,这可都逃不过我的千里眼和顺风耳。Happy, he will not read books, and hold a pretence of, this can be used to sit there all escape my amiable breeze ear.

皇家卫队也还在这里执行任务。中午可以观赏到卫兵换岗的仪式。这些卫兵绝不仅是装装样子而已。The Danish Royal Guard is on duty. At noon, you ll watch the changing of the guard. The guards are not just for show, however.