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其次,他充分显出他的骄傲和顾全面子。Secondly his pride seems to have shown up very badly.

为了顾全面子,玛丽对于经理的侮辱只好忍气吞声。For saving face Mary had to choke down the manager's insult.

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德国认为最重要的是新规则可以顾全整个欧元区经济。Germany's priority is rules establishing unprecedented oversight of euro-zone economies.

顾全体面的人,受世俗道德所束缚的人,对生活的深刻意义是无所觉察的。The respectable, the morally bound, are not aware of the full and deep significance of life.

伯夷因为顾全荣誉、名声而死,就一定清高、神圣吗?Was Boyi certainly sage and aloof because of dying from conserving his honor and reputation?

禹不顾全身子,忙碌劳累地造成自己半身不遂,是不懂得养身。Yu didn't know how to conserve health because he was too moiling and paralyzed his half body.

一些专家说,温家宝可能只是通过缓和措辞,在冲突中顾全面子。Some experts said Mr. Wen may have just toned down his language as a face-saving way out of the confrontation.

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福建跨越发展是顾全全国发展大局、适应区域经济竞争以及满足人们日益增长需求的的必然要求。Leapfrog development of Fujian is the necessary requirements of national development in overall situation, to satisfy demand.

大王!有一种心灵质地能同时顾全今生与来生两方面的真实利益。There is one quality, great king, that keeps both kinds of benefit secure — benefits in this life & benefits in lives to come.

权力下放在保证人数众多民族权益的同时也能顾全好各少数民族的利益。This devolution of power will protect the interests of the smaller ethnic groups while assuring accountability for the larger ones.

嗯!左思右想、仔细推敲下,为了顾全原来校名的特色,干脆就叫他“淡真大!”吧!H'm ! Left think right think, careful under the deliberation, for showing consideration for originally the special features of the school, simply call he"thin true big! "!

玛加伯为顾全公共的利益,就接受了里息雅所提出的一切,王也批准了玛加伯为犹太人向里息雅书面所要求的各项条件。Maccabeus, thinking of the common good of all, accepted Lysias' offer of peace. And in fact, the king granted all the demands that Maccabeus had presented to Lysias in writing.

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有大约6成的女性表示,自己曾在发生性行为时假装进入销魂的状态,而研究者相信这与她们试图顾全伴侣的感受无关。While 60 per cent of women claim to have faked ecstasy during intercourse or oral sex, researchers believe this has little to do with protecting their partner's sensitive feelings.

或者为了顾全家庭的脸面,最好还是生活在一起,如果任由关系破裂,经济上对双方是一个灾难,各种原因不解释,惟独不包括亲近和激情,两个人承诺在一起。Or we've got to stay together for appearance's sake or we'd better stay together because financially it would be a disaster if we don't or all of the reasons other than intimacy and passion that people might commit to each other.