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他俩打得火热。They two are enamored.

现在球季正打得火热呢。The season's in full swing now.

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李与购物袋公司的人打得火热。Lee goes down well with the carrier bag people.

我的朋友和一个他认识的女孩正打得火热。My friend was rapt with this young lady he’d met.

我想他正和一个离婚的女人打得火热。He's taken up with a divorced woman, I understand.

你没看到我正和一个12分的打得火热,我赢回来了。Are you blind, I'm making out with a 12, I am winning.

我们看到工会领导人和资本家们打得火热。We see the union leaders cheek by jowl with the capitalists.

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眼下约翰基正和行动党打得火热,这是更多新西兰国有资产将被列入出售名单的又一个兆头。Now John Key is cosying up to Act, another indication that more Kiwi assets are on the line.

“虽然只是个偶然的机会,但是两人很快就打得火热,”一位知情人士透露说。"It was just casual at first, but things are getting pretty hot and heavy, " one inside source said.

田纳西与我一见如故,很快打得火热,火到有一次他的香烟差点把房子给烧了。Tennessee and I got on like a house on fire – and he nearly burnt the house down once with his cigarettes.

其他的贫雇农对他起了疑心,开始注意他的行踪,发现他跟地主打得火热。Becoming suspicious, his fellow-tenants followed him and saw that he was on very good terms with the landlord. "Why?"

要知道在情侣们打得火热的时候,他们很轻易就可以决定抛开安全套去冒险。When caught up in the heat of the moment, it is too easy for people to decide to bypass the condom and take a chance.

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马多夫正和一个“同性恋团体”打得火热,虽然据线人们说他和该团体成员的关系纯粹是柏拉图式的。Madoff is hanging out with a 'homosexual posse,' although the relationships are reportedly purely platonic, say sources.

今天我跟一个从乡下搬回城里的朋友聊天,他说昨晚在酒吧跟一个妞打得火热。Today, I was sitting with a friend who moved back into town, and he told me about how he hooked up with a girl at a bar last night.

在最近几周,有报道指出风投们正为了几个赤手可热的新兴企业打得火热。In recent weeks there have been reports of venture capitalists bidding up valuations of hot start-ups in order to get a stake in them.

路透社现在报道说,若贝尔在国民议会发表了一篇尖锐的批评性演说,攻击美国同此人打得火热。Now Reuters reported a highly critical speech by Jobert in the National Assembly attacking the United States for fraternizing with that man.

随着其与一些传统贸易伙伴之间的联系因为人权问题和劳动力关系而受到损害,斯里兰卡和中国却打得火热。The blossoming of Sri Lanka's relations with China comes as ties with some of her traditional trading partners have frayed over human-rights and labour concerns.

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随着其与一些传统贸易伙伴之间的联系因为人权问题和劳动力关系而受到损害,斯里兰卡和中国却打得火热。The blossoming of Sri Lanka’s relations with China comes as ties with some of her traditional trading partners have frayed over human-rights and labour concerns.