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你会穿着皮毛衣服滑冰吗?Do you skate in fur?

不过我还有皮毛帽子。Then I have all the hats.

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幼鹿失去皮毛上的斑纹。Fawns lose their spotted coat.

他穿了一件皮毛里子的大衣。He had on a coat lined with fur.

嗯,雪象我的皮毛一样是白色的。Uhmm, snow is white like my fur.

这件旧的皮毛大衣必须换衬里。The old fur coat must be relined.

羊毛脂,即动物皮毛所分泌的油脂Lanolin aka Grease from Animal Fur

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可令皮毛光亮,如丝般润滑。Extra shine and silkiness to coats.

这只小牛犊长着黑色的皮毛,显得高贵庄严。This calf was of a noble dark color.

果实梨形,黄白皮,皮毛好,整齐。Fruit pear-shaped, fur, yellow, neatly.

我爱我的小猫咪,她的皮毛如此温暖。I love little pussy, her coat is so warm

熊是体大而笨重、皮毛很厚的动物。The black bear is larger than the panda.

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他们有黄黑相间的皮毛。They have yellow fur with black stripes.

在我追觅你时,尔所撞触到的是否仅仅是皮毛?。Is it only skin I touch when I reach 4 U?

表皮毛的差异较小。The difference of the trichomes is lithe.

透亮的皮毛仅仅是运动带来的好处中最小的一种。But shiny furwas the least of its benefits.

它的皮毛为橙褐色,黑色的条纹。Its fur is orange-brown with black stripes.

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赤狐因皮毛呈赤褐色而得名。The red fox was named for it's russet pelt.

他有着灰黑相间的皮毛,爪子是粉红色的。He has grey-and-black fur. His paws is pink.

人们闻道她身上散发的皮毛味和麝香的气息。The Humans could smell her fur and muskiness.