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我是应约来面试的。I'm here for an interview as requested.

我是应约来面试的。I have come at your invitation for an interview.

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我是应约来面试的,非常高兴见到你。I have come here for an interview by appointment. nice to meet you.

他在威廉姆斯大学和伯克利应约学院学习。He studied music at Williams College and the Berklee College of Music.

胡主席应约同菅直人首相会晤,进行了交谈。President Hu, at request, had talks with Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan.

很高兴见到你,史密斯女士。我是应约来面试的。Nice to meet you, Mrs. Smith. I'm coming here for an interview by appointment.

你应约去人家吃饭时,不妨带件小礼物以示礼貌。When you're invited to someone's home for a meal, it's polite to bring a small gift.

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优选地,相位差应约是40度,以产生近似的同相效应。Preferably, the phase difference should be about 40 degrees to create a near in-phase effect.

独立的调解机构已经应约介入,进行调查并帮助解决目前的问题。The independent mediation service has been asked to step in to investigate and help resolve the matter.

另外,今年五月我又会见了XXX先生,并应约给他和他的夫人画了像。In addition, I met Mr. XXX on May this year again and drew a picture for him and his wife by appointment.

你好,我是北京大学的王菲,应约来这儿办理签证。Hello, my name is Wang Fei from Beijing University. Fm here for the inter-view to discuss my visa applicatiom.

2009年3月11日,李辉副部长应约会见塔吉克斯坦驻华大使阿利莫夫。On March 10, 2009, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Li Hui met with Azerbaijani Ambassador to China Yashar Tofiqi Aliyev.

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你不要自已企图转。你整个转的期间,重心应适度的保持在后面,并且跟转时应约作半圈转。The weight should be kept well back all the time you are turning, and about half a turn should be made on the Heel Turn.

在出席亚太经合组织会议期间,胡主席应约同日本首相菅直人会晤。President Hu, at request, held talks with Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan when attending the APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting.

2011年1月13日,中国驻休斯敦总领事高燕平在官邸应约会见并宴请美国麦肯尼市市长布莱恩·劳夫米勒一行。On January 13, Consul General Gao Yanping met and had dinner with Mayor of the City of McKinney Brian Loughmiller at her residence.

2010年5月25日,驻休斯敦总领事高燕平在中国驻休斯敦总领馆办公楼应约会见美国得克萨斯州州长里克·佩里。On May 25, 2010, Consul General Gao Yanping met with Texas Governor Rick Perry at the office building of the Chinese Consulate General in Houston.

在应约参观他们的美好生活时,我和丈夫不再是久经世故的美国游客,反而感觉自己像贫寒的堂兄堂妹。Instead of being the sophisticated Americans returning for a visit, my husband and I began to feel like poor cousins invited to sample the good life.

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“慈善捐助是否被有计划的合理的应用仍然被深度质疑”,在晚宴之前的前两天,一位应约者这样告诉我。"There are still serious doubts if philanthropic donations could be put to good use, as intended," an invitee told me two days ahead of the dinner date.

我四处奔波,应约作各种演讲,常在他人家里过夜,被安排在孩子的卧室里。While traveling for various speaking appointments, I frequently stay overnight in the home of a family and am assigned to one of the children's bedrooms.

2003年3月25日下午,外交部长李肇星应约与保加利亚外长帕西通电话。On the afternoon of March 25, 2003, Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing had a phone conversation with Bulgarian Foreign Minister Solomon Passy at Passy's request.