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不要摆架子。Don't put on airs.

他从不摆架子。He never put on airs.

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他不能容忍摆架子的人。He can't stand for those who put on airs.

我觉得我不能忍受那些摆架子的人。I find I can't stand for those who put on airs.

她简直不能容忍那些摆架子的人。She simply can't stand for those who put on airs.

别对我摆架子,这里人人平等。Don’t try to pull rank on me. We’re all equals here.

那个要人彬彬有礼,是一位毫不摆架子的人。That important man is very unassuming in his manner.

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他总是对我摆架子,就好像他是老板一样。He always put on airs with me, as if he was the boss.

我们要尊重群众,不要摆架子。We must respect the masses and avoid putting on airs.

如果你想和我们做交易,就别摆架子!If you want to barter with us, get down off that camel!

谁也不能说我这人摆架子,事实上我是很谦虚的人。Nobody can say I put on airs. I'm actually very humble.

我很喜欢诺马,因为她坦率真诚,从不摆架子。Norma because she's genuine person and never puts on side.

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去,这家伙跑了段单人剧情就开始摆架子了。Geez, the guy gets a solo adventure and he gets all snippy.

我很喜欢诺马,因为她坦率真诚,从不摆架子。I like Norma because she's genuine person and never puts on side.

虽然她是个事有成的职业妇女,确从不摆架子。Although she is a successful career woman, she never puts on airs.

我们不愁吃不愁穿,又没有臭男人摆架子。Here we get to eat as much as we want, and the men don't bother us!

虽然她是一个有名气的明星,可她甚至对普通人也不摆架子。As a famous star, she never highhatted anybody, even the common people.

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求职中不要摆架子、做出无法实现的承诺。Don't put on airs or make promises you can't keep when going after a job.

我就希望有人看到我这个人不摆架子、不翘尾巴,做一个普通的人最好。I hope that other people could consider me an ordinary and humble person.

“哦,他们知道自己很出名,显然他们会摆架子了,”她说。“Oh, they know they’re famous, and they definitely get an attitude, ” she said.