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她在古巴问题上的鲜明观点人人皆知。She is known to hold strong views on Cuba.

良药苦口利于病,人人皆知。Bitter medicine in favor of disease, known.

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女士优先是一个人人皆知的行为准则。Ms. priority is a well-known code of conduct.

报纸使人人皆知战争的残酷。Newspapers have familiarized the cruelty of war.

人人皆知他是只能同安乐不能共患难的朋友。Everyone knows that he is only a fair-weather friend.

她的声音很确定,就好像这是人人皆知的常识。Her tone is matter-of-fact, as if this is common knowledge.

绿豆汤是人人皆知的夏季较好的解暑饮料。Mung bean soup is a well known summer better Jieshu drinks.

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他们的关系已经闹得满城风雨,人人皆知了。There had been too much publicity about their relationship.

人人皆知,目前原油价格大幅度下跌。Everyone knows, the price ofcrude oil has greatly decreased.

他们的关系已经闹得满城风雨,人人皆知了。There have been too much publicity about their relationship.

但我的事现在搞得满城风雨,人人皆知了。But now my affair is fulled with the city and all people know.

更糟糕的是,测量出的尺寸是露在外面的,这等于你的体重就是人人皆知的了。What is worse is that the measure is out there for all to see.

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她与经理的桃色事件已是满城风雨,人人皆知了。There have been too much publicity about her affair with the manager.

于是,这只感恩戴德的大象的忠诚之举很快便家喻户晓,人人皆知了。参考资料。And the devotion of the grateful Elephant became known throughout the land.

你看,就连家喻户晓的棒球大王在大众广庭之下都犯出人人皆知的错误。Yes, even the home run king made very public errors in front of huge crowds.

作为人人皆知的贪吃的人,他知道这个地区所有的饭店。As a gourmand known by everyone, he knows all the restaurants in the district.

在泰山西麓肥城提起穆柯寨,人人皆知,家喻户晓。Foothill Feicheng mentions Mu Kezhai west Taishan, everybody knows, widely known.

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金门大桥是人人皆知的著名的美景。Well, the Golden Gate Bridge is obviously what everyone loves and is famous for.

八哥会学人说话,这是人人皆知的,但他怎样学人话?It is public knowledge that myna can imitate human words. But how a myna "speaks"?

祁东新闻网花了不到半年时间,便火得人人皆知。The Qi e. nws net could not spend quasi year, then the fire get everyone to all know.