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买得到饰物,但买不到美丽。Finery but not beauty.

那是有叶形饰物之拱门。That is a foiled arch.

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白金长矗悦来做珠宝饰物。Platinum is used to jewelry.

玛丽喜欢佩戴宝石饰物。Mary loves to adorn herself with jewels.

她以廉价珠宝饰物把自己打扮得俗不可耐。She bedizened herself with cheap jewels.

我们购置了几件贵重的珠宝饰物。We have purchased some valuable jewelry.

那是有叶形饰物之拱门。An arch that is foliated in the Gothic style.

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这具木乃伊的胸前被用珠子织成的饰物覆盖着。The chest of the mummy is covered with beads.

平均每月你会花多少钱于饰物上?。How much do you spend on accessories per month?

用华丽的饰物代替简单的珠宝饰品。Replace simple jewelry with more ornate pieces.

饰物是作为垂链或鼻环佩带的。The ornaments were worn as pendants or nose rings.

镶有宝石的人骑鱼饰物。People riding fish inlaid with semiprecious stones.

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这位勇士头戴饰物,身上戴着红色缠腰带。The warrior wears a head dress and a red loincloth.

请你将贴身的佩戴的金属饰物摘去。Please take off all metal jewellery you are wearing.

比如一块很上档次的表就是件不错的饰物。An elegant watch, for instance, is a great accessory.

在法国我们可以象德国那样仿造这些饰物。Imitations can be made in France as well as in Germany.

她戴了一个绿色饰物,是悬挂在银链上的。She wore a green pendant suspended from a silver chain.

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衣着入时的女士根据不同场合选戴不同饰物。Well-dressed women accessorize according to the occasion.

买适合自己的衣服、饰物。适合你的就是最好的,所以不必羡慕别人的行头。Buy clothes that r fit for u. Don't envy what others have.

选一件简单款式晚装,搭配珠片饰物的细节点缀,立即让人眼前一亮。Stand out by choosing simple styles with embellished details.