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尽管有过两个孩子,她的肚子是搓板持平。Despite having had two children, her stomach is washboard flat.

文章介绍钢板表面产生的一种搓板状裂纹。A kind of washboard-like crack on steel plate surface is introduced.

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男人个个又高又壮、气概如虹,而且腹肌都像搓板那样一棱一棱的。The men are bigger and more macho and more stalwart and all have uniform washboard abs.

往往会因为生产调节不当而造成纸板表面呈搓板状或起泡。Regulation be production caused by the improper paperboard foaming washboard or radio frequent.

我的卡车在搓板似的路面上颠簸,地上还有很多深沟,有的沟里还有流水。The truck bumped and rumbled along on a washboard surface cut with deep ruts.Some of the ruts were running with water.

认为搓板式制动力测试台结构简单,测试精度高,影响因素少。The washboard type measuring tester had a simpler structure, higher measuring precision, and less influencing factors.

我的卡车在搓板似的路面上颠簸,地上还有很多深沟,有的沟里还有流水。The truck bumped and rumbled along on a washboard surface cut with deep ruts. Some of the ruts were running with water.

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由转换机构,感应装置推动搓板,带动衣物,使衣物在搓板之间相互碰撞、搓揉、漂洗、脱水,达到洗涤效果。Under the drive of switching mechanism and induction unit, washing boards move to scrub, rinse and dewater the clothes between them.

根据选定的三个路面结构强度评价指标,分别对水损害、沉陷、搓板三种典型病害路段进行处治方案设计。Based on the selected strength indexes, treatment programs for three typical disease of water damage, subsidence, washboard-pavement are designed separately.

本发明公开了一种新型的搓式洗衣机,采用缸外设置电动力或电磁力,缸内设置跑滚轨道,转换机构,感应装置,上、下搓板、拦板。The new-type scrubbing washing machine is composed of electric power or magnetic unit, rolling track, switching mechanism, induction unit, upper and lower washing boards, and baffle plate.