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你都是半决赛选手了!You are a semi-pro!

一个4小时的马拉松选手呢?A 4-hour marathoner?

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一个5小时的马拉松选手呢?A 5-hour marathoner?

我是19号选手,孙雪莹。I'm No. 19 contestant.

他是个出色的国际象棋选手。He is a mean chess-player.

她有一运动选手的身材。She has an athletic figure.

斯科特尔绝对是个顶尖级的选手。Martin is a top, top player.

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他是空手道黑带选手。He is a black belt in karate.

我们挑出了最尖子的两个选手。We picked the perfect top two.

这位跳高选手越过了2.40米。The jumper cleared 2.40 metres.

他是空手道黑带级选手。He holds a black belt in karate.

他和其余的选手站成一排。He lined up with the rest of them.

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赛跑选手们在起跑点排好队。The runners lined up at the start.

他看上去就像一个奥运会的短跑选手。He looked like an Olympic sprinter.

中国选手赢得了乒乓混合双打。China wins ping- pong mixed doubles.

体操选手需要良好的平衡感。Gymnasts need a go sense of balance.

我知道她是一个什么类型的选手。I know what sort of a player she is.

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其他一些选手的目标更为实际。Other mushers had more modest goals.

选手们登上一座高山。The players mounted a high mountain.

他是短跑健将,而不怎么游泳选手。He is more a sprinter than a swimmer.