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要应用“拼音文字”,请至少选定一个字符。To apply a Ruby, select at least one character.

那个人能把拼音文字写得像中国汉字这样出神入化?The man can write alphabetic characters such as China, superb?

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汉字是一种与拼音文字不同的表意文字。Chinese characters are an ideograph different from the alphabetic writing.

汉字相对于拼音文字而言,具有自己的构形优势。The Chinese writing has its own formational advantages, comparing it with the sound one.

与拼音文字大不相同,汉字具有它独特的规律。Different from alphabetical languages, the Chinese characters have its unique discipline.

英文属于拼音文字而中文是象形文字,思维方式不同。Alphabetic writing in English belonging to the Chinese is hieroglyphs, ways of thinking are different.

汉字在越南运用极广、影响极深,字喃和越南拼音文字深受其影响。Chinese character is widely used in Viet Nam and has deeply affected Zi Nan and Vietnamese alphabetic writing.

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采用校对任务探讨了母语为拼音文字和表意文字的外国留学生在汉语阅读中字音、字形作用的特点。Researching on the course of processing of Chinese characters is vital to the researching of processing of font.

作为一种古老的象形表意文字,汉字的特性与欧洲拼音文字迥然有别。As a kind of old ideogram, the characteristics of Chinese character is different from European alphabetic writing.

中文是世界上独特的意象文字,非常不同于英文这样的拼音文字。Languages may vary in the type of writing system used, in the degree of correspondence between symbols and sounds.

汉语分词是汉语言处理有别于拼音文字语言处理的特点之一。Chinese word distinguishing is one of the differences between chinese processing and alphabetic writing language processing.

过去的文改路线是先准备条件,最终用拉丁化拼音文字取代汉字。The past reform proposal is to prepare well for it first and ultimately replace the Chinese character with Latinized spelling.

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藏文是拼音文字,它包含30个基字,5个反体字及4个无音符号。Tibetan is an alphabetical writing. it includes 30 basic characters, 5 letters written in reverse direction and 4 vowel symbols.

汉字不但是汉语的书写符号,而且具有不同于拼音文字的独特性。Chinese characters are not only symbols for writing, but also have special features that are different from alphabetic languages.

即便有一些零星的差异研究,也主要是针对拼音文字输入,很少涉及汉字输入。Even if there are some scattered difference researches, most are focusing on alphabetic character input, rarely involving Chinese.

因此,拼音文字与其语言之间的主仆关系并不存在于汉字与汉语之间。Therefore, the ascendance of pronunciation over writing is not true for Chinese characters even if it is true for phonetic systems.

对于绝大多数母语为拼音文字的外国留学生来说,“见字不知音”是他们学习汉字遇到的最大困难。It is very hard for those students whose mother tongues are alphabetic languages to "see the Chinese word and make out its pronunciation".

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第一讲介绍汉字的特点以及汉字和拼音文字的主要区别。The first chapter introduces the characteristics of Chinese characters, and the major difference between characters and alphabetic writing.

所以,我们不能把它与拼音文字等同起来,一个单独的符号,也可能是所记事项的主干词语,具有特定的记事功能。Therefore, we can not equate it with alphabetic writing, a separate symbol, or it may be the backbone of the words matters in mind, with specific features of the notebook.

藏文是7世纪前期参照梵文字体创制的,它是拼音文字,有30个辅音字母,4个元音符号,自左向右横写。Tibetan language is created by reference Sanskrit fonts in the early 7th century, it is alphabetic writing , there are 30 letters consonants, 4 vowels, from left to right cross to write.