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法律是无由的理念。Law is law, just or not.

法律是无由的理念。Law is mind without reason.

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我的性命变失疲乏,无由的饿渴。My life grows tired, hungry to no purpose.

如此,你也无由得知万事万物的目的何在。And thus you do not know what anything is for.

丢弃无由得愧咎,别让它成为你的沉重包袱。Abandon unnecessary guilt. It's extra baggage you don't need to carry.

无由且住。绵绵恨似春蚕绪。见来时饷还须去。Mind and live. Continuous hate the spring silkworm polity. Come see rates still must go to.

“画中三昧,舍笔墨无由参悟”──黄宾虹语。为此,笔墨又是鉴定中国书画的核心与关键。To this end, identification of Chinese ink painting and calligraphy are also the core and key.

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委员间意见分歧的事亦无由解决,并且听任这些分歧长期地不加解决。Differences of opinion among committee members cannot be resolved and are left unresolved for a long time.

无违约事件存续,或无由任何提款行为造成的任何合理的预期违约事件。No Event of Default is continuing or might reasonably be expected to result from the making of any Utilisation.

从每个生命中的经验里,我们可以实现背后的合一意识,并且对和平、爱与无由的喜悦敞开。Through each experience in life we can realize Oneness Consciousness in its background and open to peace, love and causeless joy.

“你到底要不要去吃饭?”叶少宁打断了她,情绪无由地烦躁起来。"Do you exactly want to have a repast?"The leaf is little to rather disturb her, the sentiment is without anybody reason fidgety.

我们是地球的孩子,无由亲手残害自己的母亲,更不能让自己成为下一代的掘墓人。We are the children of the earth, and we must not do harm to our mother earth, and neither can we be the grave diggers to our next generations.

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拆解当下主流话语对边缘话语的无由傲慢,从而还原边缘话语应有的人文地位。Finally, we could give the culture status back to the marginal discourse, by dismantling the arrogance of the mainstream discourse to the marginal discourse.

这样,对道教政治管理之道的研究长期无人问津,道教文化的这一思想面貌无由彰显。Thus Daoism religion political administration remains unknown for a long time, making the original appearance of Daoism religion culture have no chance to be revealed.

物理行为的皇室夫妇才产生神圣结识各地为了使弓不感人,没有拥抱,没有接吻之间的夫妇,当然无由婚礼的客人。The physical acts of the royal couple consisted only of sipping sacred sake and making bows—no touching, no hugging, no kissing between the couple, certainly none by the wedding guests.

“除非你们变成小孩子一样”这句话,表示除非你全然认清自己对上主的全然依赖,你无由得知圣子与天父之间那层真实关系的大能。"Except ye become as little children" means that unless you fully recognize your complete dependence on God, you cannot know the real power of the Son in his true relationship with the Father. T-1.