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精神上他倒并非胆小怕事。He was no coward in spirit.

所以胆小怕事是我生存的主要武器。So cowardice is my main weapon of survival.

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你看见过假装胆小怕事的么,罗瑞先生?Did you ever see a counterfeit of timidity, Mr. Lorry?

她说塞勒斯后来斥责她胆小怕事。She says that Sellers later chided her for being timid.

他看不起他们,因为他们这样胆小怕事。He held them in contempt for behaving in such a cowardly way.

没有哪一个胆小怕事的人能说服他改变我们的方针。No faint heart would be able to appeal to him to reverse our course.

领导者如果显示胆小怕事的样子,无与鼓励对手加强攻势。The moment a leader shows timidity, he encourages , people to go after him.

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他们一听到“温柔”这两个字,就会想起那些胆小怕事的人。The moment so many people hear the word "meekness, " they think of someone who is fearful.

如果中国“胆小怕事”,这只会助长金正银的气焰,世界各国人民都将受到影响。And when China is a milquetoast, it only emboldens the Kim family—making life worse for everyone else.

因为他为反对奴隶奴隶制、追求独立而战,而那个时代的其他人都太胆小怕事,什么都不敢做。Because he fought against slavery and secession at a time in history where others were too afraid to do anything.

因为他为反对奴隶制、追求独立而战,而那个时代的其他人都太胆小怕事,什么都不敢做。Because he fought against slavery and secession at a time in historyswheresothers were too afraid to do anything.

许多黑人家长对那样对待他们的孩子感到愤慨,他们指责校方十足地忘恩负义、胆小怕事。Many black parents, angered by the way their children were treated, accused the school of gross ingratitude and cowardice.

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当然了,财富不会给胆小怕事的人来的。只有你敢拼,敢搏,那么你才有成功的可能。Of course, not timid and overcautious wealth to come. Only you dare go all out, dare to fight, then you are likely to succeed.

为了达到我的目标,除了需要知识外,还需要勇气,因为我定了这个目标,我已经从以前那个胆小怕事的我变勇敢了。In order to achieve my goal, in addition to knowledge, also need courage, because I ordered this goal, I have from the timid before I become brave.

还有一些更胆小怕事的人,普遍怀有一种迷信的想法,认为凡是动过王常盈财物的人,难免有一天会死在王常盈儿子手里。Among the more timid, there was a general superstition that anyone who had touched Landlord Wang's property would be sure to die at his son's hands.

去年11月遭到偷窃的一些邮件信息卑鄙无耻,其他邮件信息拒绝发表相反的看法还有其他信息揭露出胆小怕事不愿分享数据。Some of thee-mail messages, purloined last November, were mean-spirited, others were dismissive of contrarian views, and others revealed a timid reluctance to share data.

去年11月遭到偷窃的一些邮件信息卑鄙无耻,其他邮件信息拒绝发表相反的看法还有其他信息揭露出胆小怕事不愿分享数据。Some of the e-mail messages, purloined last November, were mean-spirited, others were dismissive of contrarian views, and others revealed a timid reluctance to share data.

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有了上次的事情之后,我现在还真的有些胆小怕事,生怕有什么事情再被我牵扯进来。After having the affair in last time, I still really have some timidity to be scared of getting into difficulty now and fear what is up anew be led long by me to drag to come in.

资产负债表上保有现金的公司被讥讽为“胆小怕事”,而破产法律,比如美国破产法第十一章,则阻止债权人向企业讨债。Firms that held cash on their balance-sheets were criticised for their timidity, while bankruptcy laws, such as America’s Chapter 11, prevented creditors from foreclosing on companies.

当几名罪犯与同一桩案子有牵连时,对他们的审讯应从其中胆小怕事者和年幼者开始。Where several culprits are implicated in the same offence, they should be examined in such a way as to begin with the one who appears to be more timid than the others, and of tender age.