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对女性来说,谈话是保持关系的黏合剂。For women, conversation is the glue that holds relationships together.

目的探讨医用黏合剂ZT胶在延缓肝脏内碘化油代谢过程的作用。Objective To study the ZT glue postpone iodinated oil metabolism in liver.

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水蜜丸系指药材细粉以蜂蜜和水为黏合剂制成的丸剂。Water-honeyed pills are made of fine powder of crude drugs, using honey and water as binders.

将半导体金属氧化物与导电相、玻璃黏合剂混合,制成负温度系数热敏电阻浆料。A paste for NTC Thermistor is prepared by mixing metal oxide, conductor phase and glass binder.

瓶盖、标签、黏合剂、残余饮料和其他污垢等都在此过程中被清除。Caps, labels, adhesives, beverages, and other residual dirt are all in this process is cleared.

所合成的微凝胶可提高织物印花黏合剂触变性、流平性、膜的机械性能、牢度。The application characteristics of reactive microgel in pigment printing binders has been studied.

自从暗物质的概念在80年前被提出,它一直被认为是将众多星系保持在一起的“黏合剂”。First proposed about 80 years ago, dark matter is thought to be the “glue” that holds galaxies together.

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PU泡沫和树脂的中间体﹐可能会作为环氧树脂和黏合剂的硬化剂。Intermediate for some polyurethane foam and resins, may be used as hardener in epoxy resins and adhesive.

将美国兵力留存在欧洲是盟军的心理黏合剂,它能把北约纠合在一起。Keeping US troops in Europe is the psychological epoxy of the alliance, the glue that holds NATO together.

锚件、紧固件、黏合剂、保温材、防湿材、密封剂及其他附属材料。Miscellaneous anchors, fasteners, adhesives, insulation, vapor barrier, sealants , and related accessories.

有时他们也在焊接的基础上增加黏合剂,以加强连接的稳固性。Sometimes they also increase the adhesive on the basis of welding in order to strengthen the connection stability.

乐杰福所提供的密封胶和黏合剂广泛的应用在汽车,中空玻璃和航空工业。Which LGF provided the sealants and adhesives are widely used in automobile, hollow glass and the aviation industry.

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着色剂,防腐剂,气味及味道,黏合剂,添加剂,保湿剂和表面活性剂评定。Formulation assessment for colorants, preservatives, taste &smell, binding agent, extenders, humectants and surfactants.

管理劳动是复杂劳动,是创新劳动,是价值创造的主导、价值实现的保障,是要素组合的“黏合剂”。The research on whether management work creates value or not plays its important role in the study of labor value theory.

而在基于块的传统存储系统,元数据要占用一些块,以提供语义黏合剂。Compare this to traditional storage systems based on blocks, with metadata occupying some blocks to provide the semantic glue.

主要用于橡胶。染料。催化剂。钢球抛光。电子陶瓷。黏合剂等诸多行业。It can be widely used in the rubber, dyestuff , catalyst , the polishing of the steel ball, adhesives industry etc. Helon-HM93

PUR-750-2能快速释放很强的处理黏合剂,并且固化以提供优异的耐热和防水寿命。PUR-750-2 delivers strong handling bonds rapidly, and cures to provide excellent heat resistance and water resistant durability.

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饲养者使用一种柔和的黏合剂把鸟蛋聚合在一起,希望里面的薄膜和鸮鹦鹉雏鸟不受伤害。The keepers used a gentle adhesive to hold the egg together, hoping that the membrane inside and the baby Kakapo weren't damaged.

为了取得这样的效果,黏合剂加入了黏液的特性,即使装置黏着在黏液层上。To achieve this, an adhesive layer is added to the mucus-like properties, which allows the device to be stuck to the layer of mucus.

心灵感应是使物质宇宙保持位置的黏合剂,那样你才能够对物体的存在和属性达成共同的看法。Telepathy is the glue that holds the physical universe in position, so that you can agree on the existence and properties of objects.