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记忆跳越时间间隔。The mind leaps an interval of time.

现在看看爸爸如何使你的小马跳越,宝尼。看着。Now watch Daddy put your pony over, Bonnie. Now watch.

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这匹马很倔强,拒绝跳越。The horse was behaving fractiously and refused to jump.

攻击下3个同一种类的敌人,可以触发一次特大跳越机会。Take down three enemies of the same kind to trigger mega-jump bonuses.

我们知道,超人可以跳越高楼大厦,徒手抓起汽车。We know he can leap over tall buildings and pick up cars with bare hands.

海德格尔后期的语言现对前期语言观是一种跳越。The language outlook of Heidergel's later stage has gone his earlier stage.

哈维开出角球,普约尔跳越队友皮克,一记有力的头球穿行诺伊尔十指关。From a corner by Xavi, Puyol leapt above team-mate Gerard Pique and powered a header past Neuer.

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布面缝头自动探示和手动控制,压辊自动跳越,下压量可调。Use detector or manual controller to detect the fabric joint, and press rollers jump automatically.

所有的成长是一种在黑暗中的跳越,一种自发性非预谋没有经验的益处的行动。All growth is a leap in the dark, a spontaneous unpremeditated act without the benefit of experience.

这是用在跳越较大型障碍物时用的技巧之一,我把它称为“后轮平衡弹跳”。”One of the techniques I use is for clearing larger style obstacles like this large, called the wheelie hop.

积极能干的人整天运作了,跳越他的午餐休息,期待他的上好努力会被奖赏。The go-getter worked all day, skipping his lunch break, expecting that his superior effort would be rewarded.

一种专用的操作员控制键,按下该键时,磁带即开始向前移动,直至检测到磁带跳越恢复字符为止。A particular operator control key which, when depressed, advances the tape until a tape skip restore character is sensed.

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你喜欢玩视频游戏,在冰天雪地里玩耍,制作动物标本,还尝试拍摄“最酷的跳越动作的照片”。You love video games, playing in the snow, making your famous stuffed animal bikes, and trying to take the “coolest jump picture ever.”

除了翻译本身,这种布局也是宝贵的,它可以让你看到评论在两种语言之间来回跳越。This layout is a valuable addition to the translations themselves when it allows you to see comments bouncing back and forth between languages.

其次,探讨目前有无可能跳越「国家」这个长久存在的和平论述主体?The third part attempts to shift the abstract subject of the "state" in traditional peace discourse to a more substantial one of the "government.

本山大叔越娇娇中山装,跳越博客背着一串蒜头,手上美丽博客野鸡,拉着毛毛上场。uncle zhao, in his customary chinese tunic suit, enters, carrying a string of garlic on his back and a pheasant in hand, with his granddaughter yadar in tow.

在片断之间切换时,最好是运用简单的跳越剪辑和淡出效果,而不要用如今的编辑工具包里设置的数十种俗不可耐的特效转换。When moving from clip to clip, stick to simple jump cuts and dissolves, rather than the dozens of tacky special-effect transitions built into editing packages today.