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欧洲列强同意停止私掠船的行径。European powers agree to end privateering.

欧洲列强在亚洲扩大他们的管辖权。The European powers extended their authority in Asia.

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列强企图重新瓜分世界的计划破灭了。The super powersattempt to redivide the world failed.

非洲曾一度被欧洲列强所瓜分。Africa was often parceled out among the European Powers.

非洲一度为欧洲列强所瓜分。Africa was once parcelled out among the European powers.

欧洲列强再也不能统治大块海外领地了。European powers no longer rule over great overseas dominions.

帝国主义列强掠夺了许多珍贵的艺术品。The imperialist powers had pillaged lots of precious artworks.

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三是利用列强之间的矛盾以夷制夷。The third one was making use of the conflict among big powers.

在近代史当中,中国的确受到了西方列强的侮辱。China was indeed humiliated by Western powers in its modern history.

西方的列强们,渴求着更广阔的市场,强迫中国打开了大门。The Western powers, hungry for more markets, then prised China open.

清朝时,中国总是对外国国家国家全国列强妥协。In Qing Dynasty, China were sll the time concessions to western powers.

然而,欧洲主要列强的国防开支难以证明他们是和平鸽。Yet the defense spending of major European powers hardly proves them to be doves.

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对下层社会的班加西叛乱知之甚少,现在却被西方列强所利用。Little is known about the rag-tag Benghazi rebels, now adopted by the western powers.

1840年鸦片战争以后,新疆受到沙俄等列强的侵略。War of 1840, Xinjiang was subject to aggression from Tsarist Russia and other powers.

可是考虑到他们的年龄和列强林立的西部,那看上去同样像只会是100投1中的结局。It also looked like a 100-1 shot with their tender age and all the giants in the West.

从列强反应来看,明显充满了愤怒和不满。Responses from these major powers were clearly full of indignation and discontentment.

在大约150年的时间里,日本可以声称它是西方列强最好的亚洲学生。For about 150 years, Japan could claim it was the best Asian student of Western powers.

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但是,中国人由于遭受西方列强的欺辱已经养成了一种温文尔雅的心性。But to those who suffer from the brutalities of the West, Chinese urbanity is very restful.

是我们的前辈科学家用他们的智慧和双手摆脱列强,捍卫着祖国的尊严。Is our senior scientists from their hands, and wisdom, and to defend the motherland's powers.

哥伦布的航行激发了其它欧洲列强探寻新世界的欲望。Christopher Columbus's voyages inspired other European powers to seek out the new world as well.