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我想剪个小平头。I want a crew cut.

我只是个平头百姓。I'm just an ordinary citizen.

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平头族的一个战士。A warrior, of the jarhead clan.

你不想剪平头,是吗?You don't want a crewcut, do you?

理平头的男人被看见了如愚笨。The skinheads were seen as stupid.

现在看起来像剃了平头。It looks like a buzz cut right now.

我是平头蜗牛,但是我并不剪平头。I am flat snail, but am not flathead.

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那是靴子的声音,沉重的平头钉靴子。It was the sound of boots, heavy hobnail boots.

给出了平头铣刀的无干涉路径规划。The interference-free tool path planning is given.

我的头发长得太长了。我想剪个小平头。My hair's gotten a little too long. I want a crew cut.

星期四是到平头湖钓鱼的大日子。On Thursday was the big fishing trip on Flathead Lake.

他正往墙上钉一枚平头钉用来挂画。He is hammering a tack into the wall to hang a picture.

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然而这对于我这种平头百姓,也是难以实现的梦想。But it is also hardly to realize for us ordinary people.

如果你是男生就把它理成平头很好呀。If you're a boy put it into a flat head was okay reason.

自攻干墙螺丝,平头十字槽,钻头,镀锌。Self drywall screws, Pan head Phillips, Drill point, zinc.

螺纹长度可调整的平头一字槽螺钉的侧面图。Side view of square head bolt with adjustable thread length.

平头的白化病者可以成为总承包商。Mike the albino with the crewcut can be the general contractor.

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平头百姓求于街头,达官显贵问于庙堂。People in the street, ask crew-cut dignitaries asked in temple.

怎么能把政府的钱发给平头百姓!How can the government's money distributed to the common people!

我们只是平头老百姓,他们是行业的龙头老大。We are just common persons, but they are the leader in the line.