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马克白是苏格兰的名战将。Macbeth is a renowned Scottish warrior.

又打败一名骁悍战将,老将军十分高兴。The old general is very happy to beat another brave general.

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如果你坚持要这样说,争论战将会发生,这是我们不愿看到的情况。The war will begin if you say so. We would not see this circs.

毫无疑问,一场氢弹战将会毁灭大城市。No doubt in a hydrogen-bomb war great cities would be obliterated.

这标志着这一长期的外交战将进入休战阶段。This marks another phase of a truce in a protracted diplomatic war.

很清楚,海布里的最后一场欧战将会激动人心。Obviously the last game in Europe at Highbury is going to be amazing.

揭幕战将在广东佛山举行,广东队主场挑战山东队。The opening game will be held in Foshan, Guangdong province, as Guangdong hosts Shandong.

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当铁卫军第一次集合他们的军队时,食人妖战将曾被认为是原始且不可靠的。When the Sentinal first gathered their forces, The Troll Warriors were considered primitive and unreliable.

克林顿竞选活动负责人特里。麦考利夫说,党内提名选战将继续下去,直到其中一位候选人赢得全国代表的多数。"We are not going anywhere until someone has the magic number to become the nominee of the party, " he said.

2010年世界杯的开幕战将于6月11日在位于约翰内斯堡索韦托镇的足球城举行。The site of the June 11 opening game for the 2010 World Cup, Soccer City sits in Johannesburg's Soweto Township.

2010年世界杯的开幕战将于6月11日在位于约翰内斯堡索韦托镇的足球城举行。The site of the June 11 opening game for the 2010 World Cup, Soccer City sits in Johannesburg’s Soweto Township.

在此地区以前很少与塔利班发生冲突,城市战将成为这场血战的标志。It promises to be a bloody battle marked by urban warfare, which has rarely occurred in clashes with the Taliban.

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当我们采取了一些关于康进洞把球其他战将减缓或平息。When we take up some recreation on putting the ball into the hole, the other thoughts are slowed down or stilled.

古登,这个马刺免费获得的战将,在上三场比赛中的下半场都没有登场。Drew Gooden, the Spurs' prized free-agent acquisition, hasn't played in the second half in two of the past three games.

这样的一场贸易战将波及很多国家,这些国家有可能效仿美国的策略,采取针对中国或针对彼此的措施。It is broad enough to be wielded against other countries, which may mimic America’s tactics against China or each other.

作为结果,老一代卫道士与青年反叛分子之间发生的宣传战将动摇常春藤构成的会堂。As a result, a great propaganda war between the old guard and the young rebels will break out and shake the halls of ivy.

漫长的等待终于结束了,南非世界杯即将鸣锣开战。由东道主南非队对阵墨西哥队的揭幕战将在几小时后激情上演。The waiting is over. The World Cup is about to kick off. The first game between hosts South Africa and Mexico is hours away.

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霍利尔昨天坚称他与前手下战将,现在在维拉的关键球员合作愉快的。Houllier insisted yesterday he has no problems working with the players he has managed previously who are now key figures at Villa.

蓝衣军团开始了世界杯卫冕之路,而通往南非的征途中首战将在周六晚打响,对手是塞浦路斯队。The Azzurri begin the defence of their world title with the first game on the road to South Africa away to Cyprus on Saturday night.

但史蒂夫科尔说,坎大哈的进攻成功实在是一个心理战将更难赢得铰链。But Steve Coll says the success of the Kandahar offensive really hinges on a psychological battle that will be more difficult to win.