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所以,加点香料吧。So spice it up!

糖和香料。Suger and spice.

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姜是一种香料。Ginger is a spice.

我不习惯吃加有香料的食品。I'm not used to spicy food.

除去香料包,滤渣。Disgard spice bag and strain.

调味香料使菜肴味美。Spices give relish to a dish.

烤,烘或加香料水煮。Broil, bake or poach it with dill

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咖啡,茶叶及香料批发业“,”Wholesale of Coffee, Tea and Spices.

我喜欢把香料掺入菜里。I like my food doctored up with spices.

橄榄浸泡在加过香料的油里。The olives are steeped in flavored oil.

麝香被用作香料和兴奋剂。Musk is used for perfumes and stimulant.

萨拉米肠,尖椒,洋葱和香料。Salami, chili pepper, onion and oregano.

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成熟红果和香料的芬芳十分馥郁。Rich aromas of ripe red fruit and spices.

胡荽和胡荽叶是同一种香料。Coriander and cilantro are the same spice.

没药也是一种香料,抹在死人的身上用来防腐。Myrrh was a spice used to embalm the dead.

我注意到你们的产品是不含香料的。I see that your products are fragrance-free.

梅子、甜奶粉、食用香料等。The slivered prune with sweet creamy powder.

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以水果味为基础的香料都能很好得和咖啡混合。Fruit-based flavors all mix well with coffee.

香料和佐料。丁子香花蕾。规范。Spices and condiments. Cloves. Specifications.

九层塔之类的香料可在有机食物店找到。Thai basil is available in organic food store.