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我聘请了他,并认为他是一位伟大的教练,上一赛季他的执教胜率为57.7%。I think he had a great season last year.

内德维德会执教国家队?Nedved could become national team coach?

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傅高义于2000年退休,不再执教。Vogel, who retired from teaching in 2000.

克鲁格曼仍然在普林斯顿大学执教,本学期他正在讲授一门针对研究生级别的小范围课程。Mr. Krugman continues to teach at Princeton.

但是同时他也说他喜欢执教黄蜂队。But he also said he loved coaching the Hornets.

1983年,他执教罗马也获得了联赛冠军。Leidholm also coached Roma to the Scudetto in 1983.

阿里纳斯曾执教于弗吉尼亚大学Onalfo。Arenas had coached Onalfo at the University of Virginia.

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我想我将会在青少年队开始执教,我也是这样开始的。I thought I would start out at youth level, which I did.

巴雷西承认他非常希望有一天能执教AC米兰。Franco Baresi admits he'd love to one day coach AC Milan.

他的父亲执教了他的二年级年高中。His father coached him his sophomore year of high school.

她一生所梦寐以求的便是在韦尔斯利学院执教。All her life she had wanted to teach at Wellesley College.

也许你一直就渴望执教于少棒队。Perhaps you've always had a desire to coach Little League.

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今年的获奖者是执教于哈弗大学的苏珊?This year's medallist is Susan Athey, of Harvard University.

你想谈论没有执教能力,就看看这场比赛吧。You wanna talk about being outcoached, just watch this game.

郎平执教美国女排,是在“卖国”?Does Langping guidance USA female vollyball, that is quislism?

并曾执教于瓦莎学院及哥伦比亚大学。She has also taught at Vassar College and Columbia University.

他有着非常高的执教水平,临场指挥经验也极为丰富。He played at the top level and has vast experience in the game.

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现执教于北京师范大学珠海分校。He's now teaching in Zhu Hai Campus, Beijing Normal University.

阿耶斯特朗2004年随贝尼特斯来到了英格兰执教利物浦。Ayesteran arrived in England with Kop boss Rafa Benitez in 2004.

我离开了耶路大学的执教生涯,不再有收入。I had left my teaching job at Yale and no longer had a paycheck.