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他有三副圆规。He has two pairs of compasses.

三副,我们准备当地时间1300时开航。Third Officer, we are about to sail at 1300 LT.

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三副,我们准备格林尼治时间1400时开航。Third Officer, we are about to sail at 1400 GMT.

请协助三副检查救生艇和救生筏。Please help third officer with check lifeboat and life-raft.

她丈夫有三副眼镜,都是黑色的,但款式不同。Her husband has three pairs, all black but in different shapes.

三副,请通知轮机部备车。Third Officer, please inform the engine room of standby engine.

如果你有第三副臼齿,那就是你的智齿。智齿可以正常生长,并不会对人造成影响。Wisdom teeth are molars, or chewing teeth, at the back of the mouth.

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三副,请通知轮机长在当地时间1300时前备车。Third Officer, please inform Chief Engineer of standby engine by 1300 LT.

三副,请通知轮机长在协调世界时1500时备车。Third Officer, please inform Chief Engineer of standby engine by 1500 UTC.

交货付运后,得到三证三副提单。Deliveries after delivery, three certificates have been three bills of lading.

他很快成为了第三副主席,并且最终在1947年,当选成为SAG的主席。He soon rose to 3rd Vice President, and was ultimately elected President in 1947.

三张连在一起的牌叫一副,有三副另加一对牌者为胜。Three together is called a license, there are three additional licenses for a pair of wins.

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三副应当经常检查救生信号的数量,有效期和状况。The third officer should often check the number of life-saving signals, validity and status.

三副根据港口国检查官的要求对防火控制图进行了重新张贴。The third officer posted the fire control plan again according to PSC officers' requirements.

三副应负责保证所有消防设备处于随时可用状态。The third officer shall ensure that all fire-fight equipments on board are available at any time.

三副应负责保证所有消防设备处于随时可用状态。The third officer should take charge of ensuring all fire control equipments available at any moment.

三副没有经官方认可白勺油轮培训证书。Certificate for of proficiency in tankers Approved by administration for third office is not available.

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三副模具降低了模具的加工难度,提高了它的合理性和实用性。Third mate the mold reduced the mold processing difficulty, enhanced its rationality and the usability.

在科洛佛怪兽玩具的产品页上可以看到三副科洛佛怪兽的模型图。Three pictures of the Cloverfield monster model are now available at the Cloverfield monster toy's product page.

上图是肉食性的野猪鳄,长约20英尺,拥有装甲般坚硬的吻部和三副匕首般锋利的毒牙。The meat-eating "BoarCroc, " above, measured 20 feet, with an armored snout and three sets of dagger-shaped fangs.