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听力,没的说。Hearing, not to say that.

韩国服装购物网听说蛇不听力。It says snakes cgreby visiting't hear.

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过响的声音会损伤你的听力。Too loud sound would strain your ears.

如果你工作在吵杂的环境,就要用特殊的听力保护装置。On the job, use special ear protection.

在英格兰可能是,听力,Probably here in England, the listening

也有适量听力测验There'll be a fair amount of listening.

真心为自己的听力感到拙计…All you need to do is find your own way.

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它衡量听力机阅读能力。It measures listening and reading skills.

每天做10分钟听力练习。Do 10minutes listening practice every day.

他对听力学有浓厚兴趣。He has strong interests in audiology study.

这些学生的听力提高了。The students have improved their listening.

回答问题,预测听力内容。预测信息。Ask the Ss to answer the questions in Part3.

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但是长时间骑动感单车会损伤听力。But long time's spinning can damage hearing.

优利康听力助手是一个全球生产。Unitron is a global producer of hearing aides.

如何对大象进行听力测验呢?How do you give a hearing test to an elephant ?

聋的,听力受损的,和耳背的用户Deaf, hearing-impaired, and hard-of-hearing users

比如,英语听力很难。English listening, for example, can be difficult.

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当时这条狗的双耳已经由于严重感染而丧失了听力。The dog's ears were so infected he couldn't hear.

各类条件都肯能导致听力丧失。A wide range of conditions can cause hearing loss.

中国新出土恐龙化石有助了解人类听力进化过程。Chinese fossil find gives clue to ear's evolution.