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今晚的舞会才子佳人云集。The party tonight was crowded with wits and beauties.

这些书都是写才子佳人的。These books are all about talented scholars and lovely ladies.

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全城所有的才子佳人都出席了这次宴会。All the wits and beauties of the town were present at the party.

天生才子佳人搭配,只羡鸳鸯不羡神仙。Natural beauties collocation, only envy mandarin duck not envy immortal.

才子佳人爱情戏是元杂剧爱情戏的主要形式。The love-drama about talented scholars and beautiful girls is main form of the Yuan opera.

正是这种改变和弥补,显示出才子佳人小说非凡的叙事学意义。It is the change and the compensation that make such romances an extraordinary significance.

明清时期的才子佳人小说几乎都是以科举及第、奉旨成婚的大团圆形式结局,缺乏悲剧精神。At the same time , the conflicts of the drama are always settled as the model of reunion at the end.

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滚滚红尘中的英雄豪杰,才子佳人,未来终将飘向何处?The heroic hero in billow human society, talent beautiful woman, will future wave eventually whereto?

武汉“喜谷”,水上婚礼,吸引来才子佳人万万千。Wuhan"is delighted for frain", the Shui Shang wedding, attract to come to genius and beauty absolutely myriad.

才子佳人小说是中国古代小说的一个独特类型,有其鲜明的艺术特质和艺术价值。Scholar-Beauty Romance is a special style of Chinese trandition novel which has distinct artistic characteristics.

一个真正的男人不需要浪漫另一女孩每天晚上,但是才子佳人翻译公司他一生的那个女孩。A real man doesn't need to romance a different girl every night, but romances the same girl for the rest of his life.

苏轼与王朝云的爱情生活,堪称是中国古代才子佳人的爱情典型。Sushi and Wang Zhaoyun's love was one of the model of the genius man and beautiful lady's love in Chinese ancient times.

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在一定意义上,才子佳人小说的文人价值观,对传统文人价值观起到了矫正与平衡。In a certain sense, the values of romantic fiction writers, scholars of traditional values played a correction and balance.

但素政堂主人从事才子佳人小说出版事业时,冯梦龙已死,故素政堂主人当是冯梦龙后人。But the Bookstore only began to engage in publishing after the death of Feng Menglong, so its owner should be his descendant.

四面有书香相伴,颇有点像过去才子佳人书房幽会的场景。There is partner of book welcome look all around, resemble the setting that study of past talent beautiful woman trysts a bit quite.

吴趼人系列写情小说的这些特点在与才子佳人小说文本的叙事模式比较中显得更为清晰。Compared with the narrative model of the genius arid beauty novels, The above points of Wu Jianren's love novels can been draw clear.

参加这次才子佳人相亲活动,假设没有奖品与票选,我也将会从大家的笑声中赢得这场比赛。我很愿意再次体会心跳的感觉。Even with no prizes or voting, I would have won this completion from the laughs I got while competing. I'd play again in a heartbeat.

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主人公对爱情的选择象征着其政治理想的归属,英雄美人“打败”了才子佳人。The love choices of Dramatis personae signify their political ideals, so a hero and a beauty beat a handsome scholar and a pretty girl.

第二章重在分析归纳明清才子佳人小说中“媒妁”形象的类型,并深入挖掘其背后隐含的深层文化意蕴。Chapter 2 is about analyzing and classifying the images of the Matchmaker, according to which the deep cultural implication is found out.

因此,明末清初的才子佳人小说在人情小说中是一个值得注意的文学现象。So Scholar—Beauty Romance will it be clear the beginning end of Ming Dynasty novel one noteworthy literature phenomenon among human feeling novel.