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我有没有兄弟新纪元没有儿子。I have no brothers ahd no sons.

那儿就是新纪元的锚定之处。That is the anchor of the New Era.

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也因而展开了953的新纪元。Thus, the new era of Rikulau 953 begins.

驱动技术的进展正朝著一个新纪元迈进。Drive technology is heading for a new era.

我们已开始了历史的新纪元。We have entered upon a new phase in history.

直达光辉灿烂的新纪元。Direct access to the full glory of a new era.

旅游的新纪元同时也是十分民主的纪元。The new age of travel is also sturdily democratic.

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在新纪元中情绪身体将平静下来。In the New Era the emotional body will settle down.

登月标志了一个新纪元的开始。The moon landings marked the beginning of a new era.

1992年是一个新纪元。The year of 1992 was the beginning of the new epoch.

这标志着人类历史新纪元的开始。It marks the beginning of a new era in human history.

切尔西的新纪元值得也需要一个新的队徽。A new era for Chelsea deserves and demands a new badge.

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世界历史上一个新纪元的序幕揭开了。The curtain was rung up on a new epoch in world history.

你们是光之工作者,你们是新纪元的先锋。You are the lightworkers, you are the pioneers of a New Era.

所以本质上成为了新纪元运动。And this is why also a lot of it became the New Age essentially.

非凡柔顺的秀发,就此开启水润亮泽新纪元,令旁人艳羡不已。Especially the hair smooth, open water, make new shine others envy.

兰伯特在理论制图学方面开创了一个新纪元。J. h. lambert initiated a new epoch in the theoretical cartography.

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水密隔舱海船开辟了人类远洋航海的新纪元。The water compartment vessel ushered in a new epoch of ocean shipping.

有一天,我的头发全都给剃掉了,那一天简直成了我的新纪元。One day, all to shave off my hair, and that day I just became a new era.

但是这个新纪元必须不能重复或延长其前任的错误。But this new era must not repeat or prolong the mistakes of its predecessor.