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车辆安检,路政管理。Vehicle regular-check and road administration management.

路政署将会在短期内设立网页。Highways Department will set up a webpage of the Committee.

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路政管理工作直接关系到高速公路管理的水平。Road management work has to do with the expressway management level.

路政署委员会还能更看重资金而轻视榛睡鼠的生命吗?Could the Highway Commission be more interested in saving money than saving dormice ?

首先,若果路政署早在市民先前提出意见时就坐言起行,根本就不会有什麽拖慢工程之事。Had Highways Department acted when people first commented there would be no risk of delay.

行至天巉路岔口,有路政工作人员在此拦阻大车,要求改道天巉路。When in a fork in the road, a road staff in this arresting carts, require diversion in road.

道路安全研究小组对屯门西绕道初步走线向路政署表达意见。CRS provided advice. to Highways Department on the preliminary routing of the Tuen Mun Western Bypass.

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在1962年的立法会要求路政署司制定了一个服务区体系的总体规划。In 1962 the Legislature requested the Division of Highways to develop a master plan for a rest area system.

经路政审批许可的项目,需持原路政审批许可文件办理保留手续。The Highways and permit projects to be a paper trail for government approval permit reservations procedures.

有关铁路方案的建议详情,请参阅宪报内容或浏览路政署网页。For details of the proposed railway scheme, please refer to gazette scheme or visit Highways Department website.

我们公司是一家专业生产路政设施的企业,进入中国大陆已经有了14年的历史。He says that you maybe interest in our products. Our company is specializing in roading equipments and has 14 years experience.

而要建立和完善这一新体系,对于未来路政管理工作而言,必须减员增效。In order to set up and improve this system, we must downsize staffs and improve efficiency in our future highway management work.

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路政管理是高速公路管理的重要组成部分,必须不断提高其效率。The road administration management is the important component of the highway administration, and raising its efficiency is necessary.

兴建大桥用的平面及高程控制网的联合测量由香港路政署和深圳市深港西部通道工程筹建办公室联合策划和完成。The joint control survey was conducted by the Highways Department in Hong Kong and the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Western Corridor Project Office in Shenzhen.

RFID技术已广泛应用于交通、公安、路政、物流管理等领域。The RFID technology is now exploited in a variety of areas including transportation, public security, road traffic administration, cargo flow management, etc.

如何解决路政管理工作任务重、人员少而效益要求好的问题,是摆在各级路政管理部门面前的新课题。How to solve the imbalance between the heavy workload completed by few staff and the needs for benefits is the new task for all-level highway management departments.

永福机械是以研发设计、生产建筑机械、路政施工机械为核心的设计生产型企业。Yongfu Machinery is design and manufacturing enterprise focusing on the R&D, design, and manufacturing of construction-use machinery and road construction machinery.

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通过高速公路路政执法的工作实践,就山西省高速公路路政执法现状进行了分析研究,指出了高速公路路政执法中存在的问题。Combined with the work practice, the author analyzed the current situation of Shanxi provincial expressway road management in enforcing the law, proposed some problem.

温思劳街行车隧道将临时封闭,以便路政署进行道路维修工程。Motorists are advised that to facilitate the road maintenance works by Highways Department, Winslow Street Underpass will be temporarily closed to all vehicular traffic.

工程主要包括为约42幅位于新界及离岛而由路政署负责维修及保养的人造斜坡及挡土墙进行加固工程。The works mainly comprise the upgrading of some 42 man-made slopes and retaining walls maintained by the Highways Department in the New Territories and Outlying Islands.