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肿瘤向来以难以清除而臭名昭著。Tumors are notoriously hard to kill.

秦桧耍过很多臭名昭著的阴谋。Qinhui played lots of infamous plots.

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他一直与那些臭名昭著的罪犯有交往。He'd been consorting with known criminals.

他一直与那些臭名昭著的罪犯有交往。He has been consorting with known criminals.

伊拉克臭名昭著的阿布格来布监狱将重新开放。Iraq's notorious Abu Ghraib Prison is reopening.

在这些鸨母中,贝尔-沃特琳是最臭名昭著的一个。Belle Watling was the most notorious of the madams.

这就是臭名昭著的单线传输线。This is the infamous single wire transmission line.

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我们以后还会讨论关于一些臭名昭著的食人的历史。Discussed will be some infamous cannibals of history.

这方面,最为臭名昭著的例子来自农业。The most notorious examples of this are in agriculture.

首先在我的清单中的是臭名昭著的北部湾事件。First on my list is the infamous Gulf of Tonkin incident.

一个臭名昭著的小气鬼决定举办一个聚会。The notorious cheapskate finally decided to have a party.

一天一个臭名昭著的年轻武士来到了这个村庄。One day an infamous young warrior arrived at the village.

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那是一个因赌博、酗酒和通奸而臭名昭著的神灵。It is the notorious gambling, drinking, fornicating spirit.

她曾经虚构了臭名昭著的“死亡小组”。She was the inventor of the mythic, noxious "death panels."

1950年代臭名昭著的“伦敦雾”就是一个很好的例子。The infamous Smog of London in the 1950s is a case in point.

这名法官已为一些最臭名昭著的罪犯当过辩护律师。The lawyer has defended some of the most notorious criminals.

世界上最大的零售商和一个臭名昭著的折扣者。Being the world's largest retailer and a notorious discounter.

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Trenberth表示空间的气候观察有着臭名昭著的偏差。Space-based climate observations are notoriously prone to bias.

由于一个轻罪,他被加上臭名昭著的罪犯的污名。Because of one minor offence he was branded as a common criminal.

他以给人拉皮条而臭名昭著。He became well known for pandering to any man who needed a woman.