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悠闲自在的生活,是一个难以追求的东西。A life of ease is a difficult pursuit.

这对退休夫妇过着悠闲自在的生活。The retired couple lived a life of ease.

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悠闲自在的感觉十分重要。A comfortable sense of leisure is essential.

汤姆双手插在口袋里,悠闲自在地走了过去。Tom sauntered by with his hands in his pockets.

我不喜欢悠闲自在,我喜欢做事情。I don't like to take it easy , I like to get things done.

一种贺卡上面印着布莱尔一家人悠闲自在的照片,这种贺卡送给朋友。One, featuring a relaxed portrait of the whole family, has been sent to friends.

三月吃韭,五月吃蒜,医生可成年悠闲自在。Eat leeks in march, and garlic in May and all the year after physicians may play.

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如果你的上司是一个社交能人,你可能会有一个轻松悠闲自在的工作环境。You probably have arelaxed and laid-back work environment if your superior is a Mixer.

你来老特拉福德,你去了你们教练那里。你喝你的水,你悠闲自在的闲逛。You come to Old Trafford, you go over to your manager, you're drinking your drink, swanning around.

房子的前面有个小池塘和一个很小的假山,池塘里无数条小金鱼悠闲自在的游来游去。Front of the house there is a small pond and a small rockery, numerous goldfish pond of ease swimming.

然后他就躺在沙滩上晒太阳,望着蓝天白云抽烟,悠闲自在。And then he would lie on the beach in the sun, watching the blue sky and white clouds smoke, leisurely.

她十分伤心地怀念她父亲家里频繁的社交生活和无所用心、悠闲自在的舒适环境。She sadly missed the continual social life and careless and easy-going hospitality of her father's home.

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退休后大可悠闲自在,可他们望眼欲穿的满堂孙儿如今何在?Retirement brings plenty of leisure but where are the grandchildren whose company they looked forward to?

新加坡没有曼谷那么慵懒,不像东京那样一丝不苟,也没有巴厘岛那样悠闲自在。Singapore Bangkok has not so lazy, like Tokyo, Bali Island is not as strict in demands, leisurely and carefree.

而在一边的小鱼苗,则悠闲自在地摆动着小尾巴,帮小蝌蚪一起找妈妈。Swinging carefreely their small tails, the small fries were helping the small tadpoles to look for their mothers.

不远处小河里,一群鸭子正在悠闲自在的戏水,构成了一幅清新有趣的美丽图画。Not far from a small river, a group of ducks are swimming leisurely in the form the beautiful picture of a fresh interesting.

这个小办事处就两个女孩子守着,平时她们倒也悠闲自在,拉拉对比自己的处境,不由得叹了口气。There are only two girls in the small office who leisure and free. Compared with herself situation Lala somewhat made two sighs.

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从前,在太行山脚下住着老俩口。他们靠种地为生,日子过得悠闲自在。Once upon a time, there lived an old couple at the foot of Mount Taihang. They made a living by farming. They led a life of ease.

人们决定,这只兔子将会成为一个聪明机警的兔子,但是也悠闲自在。在早期他的开门第一句话就是“嗨,怎么样,老兄?”It was decided that he was going to be a smart-alert rabbit, but casual about it, and his opening line in the very first one was 'Eh, what's up, Doc?

石库门、弄堂里悠闲自在的市民生活,拥挤的街道、繁忙的商场,最有西方味儿的酒吧,在新天地一带隔墙相望,和谐共存。The leisurely civil life in alleys like Shikumen, the crowded streets, the busy shopping centers and the bars full of Western style in Xintiandi coexist in harmony.