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欧维斯为什么抗议?Why does Owais protest?

他们退席以示抗议。They walked out in protest.

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抗议书像雪片似的飞来。Written protests poured in.

他表示了振振有词的抗议。He expressed voluble protests.

他们的抗议被了。Their protests were overborne.

他们的抗议被压服了。Their protests were overborne.

我不会让任何人抗议的。I would not let anyone protest.

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“等等!”海精灵抗议道。"Wait! " the sea elf protested.

我简慢地驳回了这一抗议。I curtly dismissed this protest.

现在搞和平抗议有个屁用!What price peaceful protest now?

“我不知道怎么做,”我抗议着。"I don't know how," I protested.

抗议全部无用。All our protests were unavailing.

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上次我们全都参加了绝食抗议运动。All of us hunger-struck last time.

他们对低劣的伙食提出了抗议。They protested about the bad food.

我会安静的,但那是无声的抗议。I will be quiet, but under protest.

一些抗议是成功的。Some of the protests are successful.

反克林姆林宫的抗议依然在持续。Anti-Kremlin protests are continuing.

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卡维奇对抗议不感兴趣。Cavic was not interested the protest.

我把他的沉默解释为抗议。I translate his silence as a protest.

康克林决定辞职,以表抗议。Conkling decided to resign in protest.