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七元一公斤。Seven yuan a kilo.

这个箱子重20公斤。The box weighs 20 kgs.

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我都重了5公斤了。I gained five kilograms.

山头部重量三点五公斤。Mount head weight 3.5kg.

两元钱一公斤。They are two yuan a kilo.

每只小塑料筒装2公斤。A plastic keg holds 2 Kgs.

它们每个重达56公斤!Each of them weighs 56 kg!

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那条金枪鱼重达200公斤。The tuna weighed 200 kilos.

这个重五公斤。This box weighs five kilos.

你能增加一公斤吗?Can you add one kilogram now?

连皮23公斤。The gross weight is 23 kilos.

这份绿皮重约7公斤。This Green weighed about 7kg.

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铁桶装,每桶净重25公斤。In iron drum of 25kg net each.

她已经确定了一个减到80公斤的减肥计划。She has set a target of 80 kg.

高达500公斤到寺庙。Upto 500 kilograms to temples.

此金属约重20公斤。The metal weighs roughly 20 kg.

那个盒子重午公斤。The box weighs five kilogrammes.

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这只箱子重五公斤。This box weighs five kilogram's.

他们卖菜论公斤。They sell vegetables by the kilo.

人类大脑的重量约1.36公斤!A human brain weighs about 1.36kg.