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我没有给那个导游优厚的小费。I didn't give the dragoman a fat tip.

她能得到这样一个报酬优厚的工作真幸运。She was lucky to get such a well-paid job.

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每次他都给酒保优厚的小费。Each time he gave the bartender a good tip.

我有一份待遇优厚而且时段特佳的工作。I have a good-payed job with excellent hours.

他们还在宫廷中得到了优厚的职分。And they got some of the top jobs in the palace.

郭台铭也会给他的雇员优厚的奖励。Gou also makes a show of rewarding his employees.

如果这是个薪俸优厚的工作,当然可以。By all means, provided that it is a well- pay job.

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我愿意以非常优厚的条件卖给你。I can let you have it on every favorable conditions.

她在一家跨国公司里找了一份薪水优厚的工作。She found a good-paying job with a transnational company.

他们提供的薪金比起经济特区当地的企业要优厚得多吗?Do they offer better salaries than do SEZ's local companies?

利众基金会提供一个优厚当地薪酬及福利待遇。Trace Foundation offers competitive local salary and benefits.

利众基金会提供优厚的薪金待遇和全套福利。Trace Foundation offers an excellent salary and benefit package.

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有优厚的技术力量和雄厚的经济基础。Has the munificent technical force and the abundant economic basis.

凡经正式录用的员工提供优厚的福利待遇。All the employees of the formal employ favourable welfare treatment.

成为正式员工就能够享受优厚待遇并有保险。Being a full-time employee, you are well paid and can enjoy insurance.

我认为他给你的工作会是时间好,报酬优厚,有足够的工间休息。I think he'll give you decent hours, a decent pay, and a lot of breaks.

我表现出色,28岁就晋升为主管国内销售的副总裁,薪金优厚。By age 28, I was vice president in charge of sales in the United States.

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他们很清楚弄脏双手干体力活的报酬有多么优厚。They know the rewards are there if you're prepared to get your hands dirty.

而那些被挑选入宫的乐师,受到了特别优厚的待遇。All the musicians who were chosen to play in the court were treated royally.

酒店提供每周双休、交五险一金的优厚待遇。Our hotel provides two days off per week and five insurances and housing fund.