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动物园在我们学校的东南面。The zoo is our school.

我乘这车去动物园对吗?。Am I right for the zoo?

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他们乘出租车去动物园。They taxied to the zoo.

上海野生动物园的入口处。The entrance of the zoon.

在动物园里有山君吗?。Bre there tigers in the zoo?

他们在动物园吃面条。They eat noodles in the zoo.

我们可以改去动物园吗?。Can we go to the zoo Instead ?

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我肯定会推荐你去该动物园。I definitely recommend you go.

他在艾塞克斯工作,在一个动物园里面,And he works in Essex, in a zoo

第五名则是市立木栅动物园。The Taipei Zoo won fifth place.

我们在动物园看见三只绵羊。We saw three sheeps in the zoo.

金,动物园里有熊吗?Kim, are there bears at the zoo?

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欧丁自小在动物园中长大。Odin was hand-raised at the zoo.

柏林动物园共有342只猿猴。The zoo has a total of 342 apes.

我去动物园,我看见了啥子?。I go to the zoo and what do Isee?

下周日我将去动物园。I will go to the zoo next Sunday.

去动物园走这条路对吗?Is this the right way to the zoo?

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到哪里搭共公汽车可以到动物园?Where can I get a bus to the zoo?

你能看见一个愉快的动物园管理员。You can see a pleasant zookeeper.

新加坡动物园位于万里湖路。At the Singapore Zoo Wanli inside.